Friday, February 24, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Madhu!

  1. Madhu will become gaseous if her temperature rises above -42°C.
  2. The only planet that rotates on its side is Madhu.
  3. If you blow out all the candles on Madhu with one breath, your wish will come true.
  4. If you put a drop of liquor on Madhu, she will go mad and sting herself to death!
  5. Devoid of her cells and proteins, Madhu has the same chemical makeup as sea water!
  6. Cats use their Madhu to test whether a space is large enough for them to fit through.
  7. Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Madhu.
  8. There are six towns named Madhu in the United States!
  9. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find Madhu!
  10. Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat Madhu'!" method="get" style="background-color:#5F5F42;color:#CFCF95;padding:4px;text-align:center">I am interested in - do tell me about

posted R @ 10:15 am


Ten Top Trivia Tips about Rima!

  1. Half a cup of Rima contains only seventeen calories.
  2. The colour of Rima is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is!
  3. The porpoise is second to Rima as the most intelligent animal on the planet.
  4. The difference between Rima and a village is that Rima does not have a church.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, Rima is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
  6. Rima can clean her ears with her tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long.
  7. Without Rima, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand.
  8. Rima is 984 feet tall!
  9. Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and Rima are all berries.
  10. More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Rima." method="get" style="background-color:#5F5F42;color:#CFCF95;padding:4px;text-align:center">I am interested in - do tell me about

posted R @ 10:13 am


hullo duck.

some people screw u from the front.
some people screw u from the back.

at the end of the day,

you're just a screwed up loser.

posted R @ 9:54 am


Thursday, February 23, 2006

hullo duck.

i was in kinokuniya just now and i was reading Cleo's 50 most eligible bachelors.
and i realised that they all look the same! really.
tight shirted. (or topless)
straight teeth.
big eyes
the how-u-doin' look.

the thing is, i am pretty tired of looking at the same old, cookie-cutter type of bachelors. its like they have become conventionally pretty girls- a dime a dozen.

give me more seth!
more that guy who played che guevera!
more matt damon! (less orlando bloom. he looks like a butch from CHIJ)
more eric bana!

i have to add that its not that i find these men particularly hot. its just that they're different. and that's the whole point.

but while i was thinking that, i wondered if men are as bored of cookie-cutter type girls as much as i am bored of those mentioned in the magazine article?

something tells me that they arent.
since there is supply, there is obviously demand.
or is it the other way around?

oh, i bemoan the lack of individuality.

ps: as i read this post. i think i sound very, painfully cliched.
i dont mean to.
but, even at the rick of sounding so, my point still remains.

posted R @ 3:26 am


hullo duck.

the other day i was in subway.
i picked up my drink to drink and the entire base just fell off and all a coke spilt onto my skirt!

why do these things happen to me?

posted R @ 3:24 am


hullo pulp duck.

mia wallace: dont u just hate that?
vincent vega: hate what?
mia: uncomfortable silences
vincent: uncomfortable silences?
mia: why do people find it necessary to yak about nonsense just to feel comfortable?
vincent: that's a damm good question. i dont know.
mia: its when u know you have found someone special that u can shut the fuck up and still feel comfortable.

the above is a scene from Pulp Fiction, between Uma Thurman's character Mia Wallace and John Travolta's Vincent Vega.

I have come to realise that it is not weird to talk all the time just to feel ok.
Some people dont like cockroaches. Others just dislike stony silences.

i happen to hate both.

posted R @ 3:02 am


Tuesday, February 21, 2006










_ The'>">The L0VED










_ The L0VED
_ posted R @ 9:18 pm










_ The'>">The L0VED
_ posted R @ 9:18 pm

hullo duck. *wipes sweat*

sheesh. so in an attempt to, like, give my blog an image overhaul i decided to go to
and then, (ok this is the part where u realise that i am not very bright) i decided to download blogskins onto my blog without previewing the images first. (like i said, not very bright. when it comes to computers, that is.)

so, at first i got this really freaky goth-meets-ah-lian skin. it was like this woman who looked like man cum robot and her her breasts were like the main feature of the image. but then i got tired so i decided to do a proper search later in the evening.

and then i got this ah-lian blogksin with like i dunno cows of all shapes mooing. not cute.

and then, i got a little smarter and decided to read the description first. (why not just preview them? that part hit me later) so there was this person's contribution and she said her inspiration was from the song
" Better Together" by Jack Johnson, whom i just adore. so then i uploaded that one.

but still, it was too ah-lian. i bet if the man saw it himself, he'd just stop distribution of his songs to this part of the world altogether. haha. plus, it looked more suitable for a couple-so-in-love kind of blog. not my spinster-till-the-end-of-time type of blog. i din want pple to think i was hard-up for something that i am not la.

so then. i decided, this time, preview. it took a loooong time.

and it was then that i realised that alot of the skins were too gothic, too cute-sy, too lovey-dovey, they were just not my type. i was looking for something a little more subtle, simple and not OTT.

i also realised, again, that when it comes to computers and things, i am not very bright. but, i refuse to ask for help, yet. i figure thihngs out on my own, hopefully.

posted R @ 8:42 pm

an ode to moi.

posted R @ 5:48 am


Monday, February 20, 2006

hullo duck.

yes. this really IS rima rai's blog.

its just that this blog is gg to turn 1 so i thought a change of things were due. (look at the new title! tell me wat u think!)
actually it turns 1 on march 21st, one day after my birthday. today seemed like a good day to change it in advance cos today waas the day i left singapore a year ago. or should i say, "left" singapore. since i never really was gone.

speaking of things becoming older, i will turn 21 in about (one day short of) a month's time. (when is my birthday, u ask?) a lot of pple i know have begun planning for their 21st and their birthday's are in September! and i have absolutely no idea wat to do for mine. although, i am inclined to do nada. absolut nothing.

i mean, its just turning another year. turning 21 is just commercialised and over-hyped. sure, it may matter to those freedom fighters who get the cheesy "key" (both literally and metaphorically) to their freedom come turning 21.

but wat a 21 year old can do is wat i have been doing for quite a while. so no biggie.
and turning 21 will not materialise the things i want to materialise.
so turning 21 has, hitherto, no relevance to me.

and i am not exactly a big party planner. too stressful.

and i am not exactly a big party person either. too all-about-me. not my type. i like subtlty. surprising, eh?

i cant think of asking anything from the parents. i cant drive. so there.

i dont really subscribe to the whole thing about having smth to remember my 21st by. even if i passed out drunk on my room floor all alone on my birthday, i'd still remember it many years later.

my passport will be with immigration so i cant come back to singapore. but that's a non-issue la. my frens are in KL anyways. (all together now, awwwwwwwwwwww)

there is just smth about my birthday. i always get a leeeeeeetle depressed. its like, u want to be crazily happy. delirious with joy. at absolutely no effort of ur own. but the thing is, i believe u can never truly be happy without sparing at least an iota of ur own effort.

but still, i always get a little sad. and i imagine this year to be especially depressing. cos when i was much younger, i used to imagine myself, at 21, to be a real wild chick.

but as things have gone so far,

i am far from wild.
and i feel more mutton than chick any day.

so, happy birthday to me. oh joy.

posted R @ 10:03 pm


hullo duck.

yes. this really IS rima rai's blog.

its just that this blog is gg to turn 1 so i thought a change of things were due. (look at the new title! tell me wat u think!)
actually it turns 1 on march 21st, one day after my birthday. today seemed like a good day to change it in advance cos today waas the day i left singapore a year ago. or should i say, "left" singapore. since i never really was gone.

speaking of things becoming older, i will turn 21 in about (one day short of) a month's time. (when is my birthday, u ask?) a lot of pple i know have begun planning for their 21st and their birthday's are in September! and i have absolutely no idea wat to do for mine. although, i am inclined to do nada. absolut nothing.

i mean, its just turning another year. turning 21 is just commercialised and over-hyped. sure, it may matter to those freedom fighters who get the cheesy "key" (both literally and metaphorically) to their freedom come turning 21.

but wat a 21 year old can do is wat i have been doing for quite a while. so no biggie.
and turning 21 will not materialise the things i want to materialise.
so turning 21 has, hitherto, no relevance to me.

and i am not exactly a big party planner. too stressful.

and i am not exactly a big party person either. too all-about-me. not my type. i like subtlty. surprising, eh?

i cant think of asking anything from the parents. i cant drive. so there.

i dont really subscribe to the whole thing about having smth to remember my 21st by. even if i passed out drunk on my room floor all alone on my birthday, i'd still remember it many years later.

my passport will be with immigration so i cant come back to singapore. but that's a non-issue la. my frens are in KL anyways. (all together now, awwwwwwwwwwww)

there is just smth about my birthday. i always get a leeeeeeetle depressed. its like, u want to be crazily happy. delirious with joy. at absolutely no effort of ur own. but the thing is, i believe u can never truly be happy without sparing at least an iota of ur own effort.

but still, i always get a little sad. and i imagine this year to be especially depressing. cos when i was much younger, i used to imagine myself, at 21, to be a real wild chick.

but as things have gone so far,

i am far from wild.
and i feel more mutton than chick any day.

so, happy birthday to me. oh joy.

posted R @ 10:03 pm


hullo duck.

ugh #1
i tried this interesting concoction at TCC the other day. Grapefruit Chocolate Espresso. it tasted disgusting to say the least. it was like befeater dry Gin mixed with coffee. But i will prob go back there to try the kahlua coffee and the Absolut Latte.

i watched "World's Deadliest Swarms" and it was about swarms of pretty much any disgusting animal and how they attack. so u have swarms of
red crabs on christmas island
africanised bees in arizona
rats in india
snakes somewhere in africa
ants cant remeber where

thank god no cockroaches. now that would've been really nightmarish.

Donald Trump has got man boobs. Now we know the real reason why Melania Knausse married him.

i have been eating really strange things. actually its not that disgusting. maybe a little, by conventional standards.

cold chocolate smoothie with peanut butter
baby carrot sticks with peanut butter
HL milk with peanut butter
yougurt with peanut butter

eh when i come back to KL, dont say i have gained weight ok. its gg to hurt me. :( haha.

i thought i never said this.
but i really do miss the VJC debaters. even that one particular debater. i cant remember how, but i stumbled on a certain VJ person's blog and there were links to all the other debaters. and that got me reading. its like, the whole JC experience, for me, boiled down to that particular group. there was just something about them. they were very..i dunno..i-am-smarter-than-u-so-just-shut-up-and-listen-to-me type. but, being with them forced me to think in ways that i just dont do. i daresay that with the VJ debaters, i was at my smartest. but i also felt my dumbest.

i prob go watch some debate someday. hang out with the seniors during case-set, bitch about the case after at NYDC. but then again, the people who made it all fun are not there in the way that they used to be anymore. Ram's in Stanford, Adrian's in LSE, Ben's married, Stas...err..never really mattered anyway, Fel's too busy, Sonya's apparently become less irritating and, of course, things with Garfy are just hard to say.

so not much point gg to VJ anyways.

ugh #6
i visited the old blog of mine. i sound really angsty man. a little embarressed to post that link. hehe.

posted R @ 9:15 pm


Friday, February 17, 2006

Your Reputation Is: Mean Girl
You rule through teasing and intimidation..Yet, people would give the world to be your friend

posted R @ 10:18 am


Your Hawaiian Name is:
Nani Kane

posted R @ 10:10 am


You Are 23 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act?

posted R @ 10:09 am


You Are Brownie Batter Ice Cream
You've been known to lick *everything* clean
What Flavor Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Are You?

posted R @ 10:03 am


Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.
They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.
They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.
How Do People See You?

posted R @ 9:58 am


You Are Italian Food
Comforting yet overwhelming.People love you, but sometimes you're just too much.
What Kind of Food Are You?

posted R @ 9:56 am


hullo duck.

well, firstly, this is in reference to my earlier post about the B/B+ prediction of CVS that i am not too keen about. someone who read it said that i sound like one of those pple who go "i got 97% and i did so badly." well, a B is 65% and a B+ is 70%, both of which are far from 97. so, techinically, i am not like one of those pple. but, yes, i get your point. and i do agree that i should have expected the easy stuff to come out and it was purely my fault for not studying that part. and yes, i think i will shut up. and not bring it up. not even in person. ok?

anyways, that said, i watched Crash.

that movie starring sandra bullock, terrence howard, thandie newton, matt dillon, ryan phillippe(so cute!) and a whole bunch of other people. the movie was, for a lack of a better word, interesting.

i cant decide if i should talk about the movie since i might potentially spoil it for alot of people. but basically it is about racism. it doesnt exactly have a plot or a decent story direction, its about a bunch of people. its kinda draggy at some point and i am not sure if i over-analysed the whole movie.

but, i like the ending. the message i suppose is really subtle and powerful.

i probably should say more cos i sound kinda vague. but like i said earlier, i dont really want to spoil it for anyone.

tomorrow is going to be a RARE saturday for me.. my dad absolutely hates japanese food (and i, quite like it). so i never suggest eating jap but it was the father who said that he wants to eat it. so i hope its going to be somewhere nice and good and no father's client involved.

my only and earliest memory of eating jap with my dad was when i was 10 i think. he held up a spoon with a huge heap of rice on it and he said that it tasted really good and i should try it. as i chewed the rice, my eyes started smarting and my tongue started burning. i had never tasted anything so...vile.

it was then i had realised that, actually there was a huge heap of WASABI and it was covered by a layer of rice. hence, it looked like a harmless heap of rice. before that, i had never tasted wasabi, and after that, i never really liked it. in fact, i hate it.

sounds pretty much ironic, huh? i like jap food but i hate wasabi.

posted R @ 9:19 am


Friday, February 10, 2006

hullo duck.

firstly, i woke up today with a feeling that i would probably get a B or a B+ for cardiovascular exam. i hate the dipping of standards. but i think the dipped standards are here to stay. dammit. perhaps this is my cue to get a little bit more realistic. ( and perhaps more hardworking. although i cant imagine that happeining since i have already maxed out on that engine)

secondly, i think since TAN KUAN ENG told hanif about the streetlight incident and i assume he would probably tell pple about the friendster incident, i shall tell pple about the VODKA INCIDENT IN KKB.

thirdly, i have always known that the standard of services in singapore is abysmal, but i have never really had to face the brunt of it. bottomline: i dont think i will ever get a new phone from Nokia. my parents have offered to buy a new phone (of my choice) but i think i will stick to that crammy motorola phone that i obtained thru an interesting adventure.

fourthly, i think womanisers and gold diggers are the same and they are not bad people to me. as in, contrary to popular belief, i dont find them morally bankrupt people. i am not sure wat has inspired me to say this. and no. this is in no way a future caveat. haha.

fifthly, i have finally found your blog, sarawakian. u use xanga?

sixthly, i honestly believe that i have become more stupid. i mean, not academically. (err, well, if foundation 2 was anything to go by, then perhaps academically too.) its more, intellectually? i dont know. it seems that i have run out of theories and the only opinions i hold are about people(yes i am aware that i bitch alot and that it is not good but everyone does it whther they admit to it or not its almost like human nature). i dont have opinions about things anymore.

i read, ok it was more like a futile attempt to read comprehensively, Milan Kundera's Slowness. not a very difficult book but after a while i felt like i was just looking at words. it was somewhat, annoying. and then i gave up.

seventhly, singapore's most prolific blogger is just weird. i mean there are people who've been jailed for making racist (but actually innocous comments) but nothing happens to her? i suppose cos, for all her bimboness, she is very mindful of wat she writes and she cloakes her comments well. but still.

go decide for yourself. (i hate to advertise her stupid blog but i suppose i have to do it to prove my point that she is just, irritating.)

i'd hate getting a B or B+ for CVS. why couldnt more pharmacology questions have come out(cos i studied them like crazy) and less sem 1 related stuff (cos i assumed that since they have been tested before, they wont be tested again) i just cannot get over the fact that my downfall is going to be caused by something that i once knew, but somehow, forgot.

posted R @ 1:21 am


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

hullo duck.

so here i am. at the stupid nokia care centre to repair my phone for the upteenth* time.
i am waiting for my number to be called so in the interim, i shall use the free internet service here to state my modus operandi to get a NEW PHONE.

i am intending to be this really ugly singaporean and while i will not raise my voice at the service person (ok, you all know the volume of my voice. its perenially raised. hehe. i will TRY to keep it down. so that the people next door getting their bikini waxes will not get scared)

the thing is. i dont know how to be assertive! wat do i say? i feel like a toothless tiger.
my dad did give me some pointers. (i could report them to CASE. i know my consumer rights). i could take legal action. i could do alot of things. but just for a measly phone?

on the one hand, it is ridiculous to go through all that just for a phone. but on the other hand, its all about consumer rights and principals right?

anyways, though i wish to expound furthur. my turn is coming soon. so there. i have to start making friends with the assertive singaporean bitch inside me. i know u are there somewhere, bitchy rima rai! :)

*upteenth: the word means like, many times. but research has put the number down to 27. so the upteenth time means the 27th time. i just heard this on the radio. and u thought singapore radio deejays talked only crap!

posted R @ 10:59 pm


Sunday, February 05, 2006

hullo duck.

because i am really grateful to nurul for alerting me on the horrible friendster disaster.
i just had to dedicate an entire post to her.

thank u woman.

and i wasnt joking when i said that i refuse to go out with u unless u start behaving yourself.
i happen to have a reputation in orchard road ok?

haha. settler's cafe soon?

posted R @ 9:10 am


hullo duck.

omg. this is really so traumatising.

so today i was sitting at home and then suddenly i get phone call from friend.
she start to laugh hyterically once i pick up.
and then she asks me, "are u serious?"
"serious about wat?"
and then she says "when was the last time u checked ur friendster profile?"
and i say "errr dunno why?"
and then she says "oh. uh. i think u better go see ur friendster profile."

so i go. log onto friendster and what i read is just. disgusting.
well, apparently, i am
male, 16 years old, married
a sex worker
and i study at the international sex university

and then in the hobbies and interests category, and the books and movies all sorts of very err, to put it mildly, unpleasant things were written. which just shouldnt be repeated here. decent pple read my blog. (i hope!) and my audience wouldnt appreciate erotic literature. and if they did, they can go look for it themselves. which, CANNOT be found on MY FRIENDSTER PROFILE ANYMORE! (i hope!)

i mean
who would want to write such horrible things about me.
the only person who knows my password is ish. and seriously she has better things to do. as she would have me believe. haha.
but really.
could it be someone who has an axe to grind? with me? who? i am on good terms with everyone. *nervous laughter*
no but more realistically, the ones who dont like me arent that bad i think.

so maybe its some random person. but. but. but.

you can never be too sure can u.

i was initially gg to blog about last night at the Ministry of SOund. but this was a juicier topic i suppose.

posted R @ 8:48 am


hullo duck.

omg. this is really so traumatising.

so today i was sitting at home and then suddenly i get phone call from friend.
she start to laugh hyterically once i pick up.
and then she asks me, "are u serious?"
"serious about wat?"
and then she says "when was the last time u checked ur friendster profile?"
and i say "errr dunno why?"
and then she says "oh. uh. i think u better go see ur friendster profile."

so i go. log onto friendster and what i read is just. disgusting.
well, apparently, i am
male, 16 years old, married
a sex worker
and i study at the international sex university

and then in the hobbies and interests category, and the books and movies all sorts of very err, to put it mildly, unpleasant things were written. which just shouldnt be repeated here. decent pple read my blog. (i hope!) and my audience wouldnt appreciate erotic literature. and if they did, they can go look for it themselves. which, CANNOT be found on MY FRIENDSTER PROFILE ANYMORE! (i hope!)

i mean
who would want to write such horrible things about me.
the only person who knows my password is ish. and seriously she has better things to do. as she would have me believe. haha.
but really.
could it be someone who has an axe to grind? with me? who? i am on good terms with everyone. *nervous laughter*
no but more realistically, the ones who dont like me arent that bad i think.

so maybe its some random person. but. but. but.

you can never be too sure can u.

i was initially gg to blog about last night at the Ministry of SOund. but this was a juicier topic i suppose.

posted R @ 8:48 am


Thursday, February 02, 2006

You Are a Fun Girl!
You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good timeSure, you've thrown back more than a few every so oftenBut getting totally stupid and wasted is not your styleYou're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling
Are You a Party Girl?

posted R @ 8:06 am


Men See You As Choosy
Men notice you light years before you notice themYou take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be pickyYou aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounterIt may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait

posted R @ 8:04 am


You Are Psyche!
Eternally in search of purpose and insight.You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder.Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily.Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!
What Goddess Are You?

posted R @ 7:59 am


You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.No wonder you and London will get along so well.
What City Do You Belong In?

posted R @ 7:54 am