Tuesday, February 07, 2006

hullo duck.

so here i am. at the stupid nokia care centre to repair my phone for the upteenth* time.
i am waiting for my number to be called so in the interim, i shall use the free internet service here to state my modus operandi to get a NEW PHONE.

i am intending to be this really ugly singaporean and while i will not raise my voice at the service person (ok, you all know the volume of my voice. its perenially raised. hehe. i will TRY to keep it down. so that the people next door getting their bikini waxes will not get scared)

the thing is. i dont know how to be assertive! wat do i say? i feel like a toothless tiger.
my dad did give me some pointers. (i could report them to CASE. i know my consumer rights). i could take legal action. i could do alot of things. but just for a measly phone?

on the one hand, it is ridiculous to go through all that just for a phone. but on the other hand, its all about consumer rights and principals right?

anyways, though i wish to expound furthur. my turn is coming soon. so there. i have to start making friends with the assertive singaporean bitch inside me. i know u are there somewhere, bitchy rima rai! :)

*upteenth: the word means like, many times. but research has put the number down to 27. so the upteenth time means the 27th time. i just heard this on the radio. and u thought singapore radio deejays talked only crap!

posted R @ 10:59 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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