Friday, February 10, 2006

hullo duck.

firstly, i woke up today with a feeling that i would probably get a B or a B+ for cardiovascular exam. i hate the dipping of standards. but i think the dipped standards are here to stay. dammit. perhaps this is my cue to get a little bit more realistic. ( and perhaps more hardworking. although i cant imagine that happeining since i have already maxed out on that engine)

secondly, i think since TAN KUAN ENG told hanif about the streetlight incident and i assume he would probably tell pple about the friendster incident, i shall tell pple about the VODKA INCIDENT IN KKB.

thirdly, i have always known that the standard of services in singapore is abysmal, but i have never really had to face the brunt of it. bottomline: i dont think i will ever get a new phone from Nokia. my parents have offered to buy a new phone (of my choice) but i think i will stick to that crammy motorola phone that i obtained thru an interesting adventure.

fourthly, i think womanisers and gold diggers are the same and they are not bad people to me. as in, contrary to popular belief, i dont find them morally bankrupt people. i am not sure wat has inspired me to say this. and no. this is in no way a future caveat. haha.

fifthly, i have finally found your blog, sarawakian. u use xanga?

sixthly, i honestly believe that i have become more stupid. i mean, not academically. (err, well, if foundation 2 was anything to go by, then perhaps academically too.) its more, intellectually? i dont know. it seems that i have run out of theories and the only opinions i hold are about people(yes i am aware that i bitch alot and that it is not good but everyone does it whther they admit to it or not its almost like human nature). i dont have opinions about things anymore.

i read, ok it was more like a futile attempt to read comprehensively, Milan Kundera's Slowness. not a very difficult book but after a while i felt like i was just looking at words. it was somewhat, annoying. and then i gave up.

seventhly, singapore's most prolific blogger is just weird. i mean there are people who've been jailed for making racist (but actually innocous comments) but nothing happens to her? i suppose cos, for all her bimboness, she is very mindful of wat she writes and she cloakes her comments well. but still.

go decide for yourself. (i hate to advertise her stupid blog but i suppose i have to do it to prove my point that she is just, irritating.)

i'd hate getting a B or B+ for CVS. why couldnt more pharmacology questions have come out(cos i studied them like crazy) and less sem 1 related stuff (cos i assumed that since they have been tested before, they wont be tested again) i just cannot get over the fact that my downfall is going to be caused by something that i once knew, but somehow, forgot.

posted R @ 1:21 am


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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