Monday, February 20, 2006

hullo duck.

yes. this really IS rima rai's blog.

its just that this blog is gg to turn 1 so i thought a change of things were due. (look at the new title! tell me wat u think!)
actually it turns 1 on march 21st, one day after my birthday. today seemed like a good day to change it in advance cos today waas the day i left singapore a year ago. or should i say, "left" singapore. since i never really was gone.

speaking of things becoming older, i will turn 21 in about (one day short of) a month's time. (when is my birthday, u ask?) a lot of pple i know have begun planning for their 21st and their birthday's are in September! and i have absolutely no idea wat to do for mine. although, i am inclined to do nada. absolut nothing.

i mean, its just turning another year. turning 21 is just commercialised and over-hyped. sure, it may matter to those freedom fighters who get the cheesy "key" (both literally and metaphorically) to their freedom come turning 21.

but wat a 21 year old can do is wat i have been doing for quite a while. so no biggie.
and turning 21 will not materialise the things i want to materialise.
so turning 21 has, hitherto, no relevance to me.

and i am not exactly a big party planner. too stressful.

and i am not exactly a big party person either. too all-about-me. not my type. i like subtlty. surprising, eh?

i cant think of asking anything from the parents. i cant drive. so there.

i dont really subscribe to the whole thing about having smth to remember my 21st by. even if i passed out drunk on my room floor all alone on my birthday, i'd still remember it many years later.

my passport will be with immigration so i cant come back to singapore. but that's a non-issue la. my frens are in KL anyways. (all together now, awwwwwwwwwwww)

there is just smth about my birthday. i always get a leeeeeeetle depressed. its like, u want to be crazily happy. delirious with joy. at absolutely no effort of ur own. but the thing is, i believe u can never truly be happy without sparing at least an iota of ur own effort.

but still, i always get a little sad. and i imagine this year to be especially depressing. cos when i was much younger, i used to imagine myself, at 21, to be a real wild chick.

but as things have gone so far,

i am far from wild.
and i feel more mutton than chick any day.

so, happy birthday to me. oh joy.

posted R @ 10:03 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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