Sunday, August 21, 2005

hullo duck.

i went to ECP wit amir and sheetal and ish. well the day was great but i had wrongly assumed that i don't need sun block cos, seriously, my skin NEVER burns. well, i suppose i never was the brightest tool in the shed. ( its from that song)

so, as i type this, i am peeeeeeling. gosh. but here is a nice pic of me and ish at the beach.

posted R @ 4:47 am


hullo duck.

ok. i don't want to dwell on this for long. so i will try to do this in 8 sentences or less.

1) i think i have never felt both angry and guilty and, oddly enough, non-chalant and deja-vu-ish at the same time.

2) guilty: because i told someone he whined too much and that, he kinda needed to stop complaining too much.

3) angry: because i didn't expect the jackass to actually take things to extremes and completly stop whining. he claims that his friends have told him to stop whining and so he will not say anything at all. apart from "so nice". go watch some Barney, for crying out loud.

4) non-chalant: well i just don't want to explain this one. its not the someone (that's where the non-chalant bit comes in) its me. all me. ( that's where the angry+guilty+ULTRA DEJA-VU-ISH bit comes in) gosh i cannot emphasise on the deja-vu bit any more.

5) so, if taking things to the extremes is the way to go, just forget whatever i said, person.

wa. so 6 sentences v good.

posted R @ 4:36 am


Monday, August 15, 2005

Your Love Style is Eros

For you, love is all about the passion!
And chances are, you're currently in love.
You have a strong physical response to love...
And you are great at committing
(As long as the person makes your toes curl!)

What's" Your Love Style?

i am not sure i agree with this. at least the 2nd line is not true. that i know for sure. the rest, hmmm. i don't know. guess haven't really been there to really know.

so i have become a survery whore. ah well. your dignity is only worth so much y'know.

posted R @ 2:20 am


hulo duck. wa i am so proud of myself. i have been blogging so regularly.

anyways have alot to quack about.

well this is not a i-wish-i-had-done-that-cos-it-would-have-made-me-a-better-person kinda thing. its just that i was hanging out with a couple of friends of mine on a friday afternoon at plaza sing and there was a hoard of students just thronging the place and it was pretty annoying. so this is the conversation that followed.

Rn: gawd. why can't these kids go home and study. look at me, i hung out so much at their age and i have come to realise that i should have studied more back then.

Ms: yea. well i did study at their age but i suppose that i wasn't all whole-hearted about it so i used the wrong techniques. i wish i had studied, but in a different way.

and then i voiced what i have never said to anyone (due to my no-regrets policy)

ME: haha. this sounds so weird but i wish i hadn't studied hard as much, hadn't been a social anorexic as much, and had gone out more.

i doubt it would have changed my position in life very significantly, but i suppose it would have made me more, well-exposed. then again, perhaps it would have affected my position in life. i am not sure if it would have been for the better or worse, but i am inclined to believe that it would probably have been for the former. but then again, all this is just hypothetical, of course.

i think the social anorexic in me began to die when 'that' particular death thing. and i think the smosial butterfly, as i call it, came out a fluttering last year, when the weirdo and i broke up. i would like to think that she's still incredibly tame. she hardly spreads her wings out very much and she's quite happy about that.

speaking of butterflies, i bought 2 butterfly ear rings. joy joy joy.
i happen to like stuff with butterfly motifs. alot.

posted R @ 1:43 am


Friday, August 12, 2005

wa. hullo duck. hick. :)

yesterday was such a packed day.
i met felda for breakfast and we bitched about alot of VJ stuff and old times and that particular weirdo of an ex-boyfriend. . haha i am so glad some things and some pple have not changed. i like jackasses to remain that, jackassy. and of course, i want felda to remain the way she is.

then i watched 'charlie and the chocolate factory' and 20 minutes into the show i started feeling really cold (despite wearing a 3/4 sleeved top) and had a MASSIVE choc craving. i have come to realise that i am very cold intolerant and this doesn't bode well for my future relocation plans. but on the whole, the movie was good. it was a tad too draggy and the bollywood-style approach was more annoying than entertaining. i suggest having at least one bar of chocolate within arm's reach when watching the show. having massive chocolate attack can be very distracting. :)

and then i went to alley bar at night with clarissa and the very lovely valerie and her friend(or perhaps more than that) marc and joshua. it was one of the rare times that cla and i hung out at a civilised decent place and not her tiny bedroom. with reference to my previous blog post, i think cla fits the pre-requisites i outlined in the type of friend i wanted. she lives a stone's throw away, she's bitchy but not to me, she's not fake(she tells me what i need to hear) and she's an excellent person to talk to. . i am looking forward to more late nights involving alot of bitching and some alcohol. joy joy joy.

i am looking at another packed day with lunch and hopefully a spot of shopping wit mom and then have to go to this bacd playing session with amelia and then will finish the night and usher(?) into the morning with this back-to-school party where the dress code is school uniform.

and then dinner with elaine and ming hann on sunday.
lunch with old family fren on monday.
dental appointment on tuesday. i think.
wednesday out with derui.
thursday is some family dinner thing.
friday shankri is coming to town.
so yep, the whole week is booked.
what a good life.

i love looking forward to such nicely packed social days. and i almost always choose to go out with people whose company i enjoy tremendously. but still, i am not sure why, i put up with certain sad pathetic losers. like the more i go out with them, the more i realise exactly how
painfully loser-like they are.

and i still go out with them. despite having LOTS of other pple to go out with. sheesh.
what to do. i suppose i am a softie.
chuckle chuckle.

and, increasingly, i don't know what to say to certain such pple anymore. so i think i will just not say anything at all.
zlich.nada. and the other word for zero which i can't remember.

posted R @ 8:28 pm


Sunday, August 07, 2005

hullo duck.

yesterday after karin's i went for a long walk down orchard at midnight. its refreshing being alone and walking down the road where everyone who is not alone walks.

anyways, it got me thinking about the type of friend i wanted.

1. must live very near me. so that i can call him/her out anytime i want and not feel bad that this person has to take the cab home and pay the mid night surcharge and stuff.

2. must have time for me and must not be clingy.

3. must have a good sense of humour and must be very intelligent.

4. must not have a huge emotional baggage problem. must not feel like the whole world is against them. must have some problems but not make them a reason for their existence.

5. not particular about gender. if female, must be bitchy but not to me. but not be ultra-sensitive. but not be fake. if i'm fat just tell me kind or person. if male, must not be attached to some irritating insecure girl who thinks i'm out to steal her stupid boyfriend. yea, like i got nothing better to do right.

6. must not be attarcted to me. and must not be the type that i might potentially get attracted to.

7. must not be overseas when i am in singapore.

well that;s it so far. its just that i realised that dinner wit the carol,jing,amelia,karin lot was so enjoyable because the conversations were not about their sad problems. its just that i need a break from pple who complain and rant. and these pple who complain and rant have got no idea how MANY times they've complained and ranted about the same things to me. do i really want to know for the upteenth time that u and your girlfriend are having problems? no. because for as long as i have known u, you've ALWAYS had problems wit her. so just for a change, go tell someone else tt. not me.

sigh. look i don't want to sound like a bitch ok. i know i am sounding like one but i don;t want to. i recognise that these pple who tell me their problems obviously think i am worthy of being told to. and that i ought to appreciate the fact that they prob think i am a good problem-listener or whatever.

but, ok, u tell me your problem once.
i listen. because i assume u don't want solutions.
u tell me your problem a second time. i listen. i offer some sort of a solution. i try to make u feel better. i make a few jokes. u accuse me of not being sensitive.
i apologise.
u tell me your problem a thrid time.
i listen again. this time u accuse me of not listening.
really, wtf do u want me to do?

posted R @ 7:49 pm


hullo duck.

wa. i still remember my password. after not blogging for, like, eons. i suppose handful of an audience has just assumed that my blog died a natural death. oh well. that's not such a bad thing. now i can bitch about them. hehe.

anyways, last night ii had dinner at karin's wit jing, amelia, li dong and carol. i still maintain that karin does not appear like the cooking tyoe but she did an amazing job yesterday. she did really good creamy pasta with kaviar and vodka and then there were dumplings and couscous. and the company was excellent. carol is hilarious. li dong, (amelia's boyf) and i were discussing beer at cold storage while amelia and carol were looking for i dunno wat. and then carol comes over and and shouts to us, "aiyo can you both stop wanking over beer and come let's go!" and i swear everyone in a 20meter radius stopped to look at us.

and i thought i was loud.

posted R @ 7:49 pm



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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