Monday, June 06, 2005

hullo duck.

have the bloody-waste-of-time PBL session in 10 minutes so this is going to be a short one.

i think if i do badly for this summative, its all cos i brought it upon myself. well if i've been griping too much about it its cos i hardly do it to pple around. plus, this is my blog ok. so i get to say anything i want here. like,

rima is so pretty. she blows my mind away.


anyways, i have no idea how to link other blogs to mine. so my apologies to kuan eng, clairisa, jing, joshua and alot of other pple. once i figure it out, i'll link. but u guys do realise the danger of linking right. its like an open invitation to invading your privacy.

oh oh pple leave comments! thanks josh and isk and clairisa. oh well i am glad to like my blog, isk. hardly controversial tho. i think u should set up blog too. and, with that comment about pulling out a chair for u. i meant you're a gentleman but not in the usual and in your face kinda way. like u do it subtle-ly. hey, its a rare compliment ok! haha.

i shall expound on my theories of gentlemen and wanna bes some other time.


posted R @ 7:18 pm


Friday, June 03, 2005

hullo duck.

so now the room is almost done. a decent place to sleep would complete it. kao. my room is nice. like really. i like the whole open concept thing. but the room is too ikea for my liking. (speaking of which, i think the ikea here is pretty cool.) ah well. beggers can't be choosers i s'pose. hehe.

as a side note, i've discovered this new place that i would like to go to more often. went there b4 ikea and there's MARCHE and THAI EXPRESS in the same vicinity. christ. like 2 of my favourite eateries. was incredibly happy. joy joy joy.

am pretty tired now. was supposed to write about kuan eng's conversation. well i have to spend alot of time on that. but in a nutshell, its about how he is gg to combine forces with andrew and isk to transform me into a malaysian-boy-lover so much that i'd like to marry one. sheesh. if that happens, i am pretty sure my dad, the malaysian trapped in a singaporean body, would be pleased.

and no, marrying arun or syed would be my worse nightmare.

hi to isk. sitting diagonally behind me.

ps: hullo joshua. i am sorry i haven't been replying to ur msges. just been really busy. will talk properly to u some other time ok.

i feel like working. at olio dome. someday. i think its so cool. mebbe will work next sem. tired. bye. ciao.

posted R @ 4:46 am


hullo duck.

oh man this has been a hectic week. am moving in with emily and have been doing lots of stuff. so tired. just finished the bloody-waste-of-time AIR topic. but before i go look for a new bed, here are a few people i'd like to thank.

Kuan Eng
he comes first cos he is the only person in this group who reads my blog and actually comments on it. anyways, he offered help without me asking. which, is incredibly nice of him. went to ikea and he did lots of lifting and helping decide the best, most "natural-looking" wood for my shelf. he also offered very helpful opinions on what not to buy. then, again, he offered to help fix everything. now, i owe him a hot girl (his conditions) and lunch at Thai Express ( my conditions, cos i doubt the pharmacy girl will be free anytime soon and he's too choosy, dunno his type).

He offered too without me asking. (i s'pose cos we're really good friends now, i hope?) He got me a brand new fridge at such a bargain and donated a solidly cool table cos he knew i am on a shoe-string budget. He's so resourceful its amazing. And he's pretty patient too it seems. Interestingly, he's not the pull-out-a-chair-for-u type of guy but when it comes to the crunch, it seems he's super dependable. and that's what ultimately matters. To me, at least. :) its especially nice of him to help since he's always so busy and seems to have alot on his plate at any one time.
I owe him something too but i honestly don't know what to get. Was thinking of getting him a phone charger but he's got 3 already. And its impossible asking him out to lunch. I doubt i can drag him to go anywhere to eat. So i am not sure how to thank him. sheesh.

I live one floor below her now. And she came along for the ikea trips and did quite alot of moving today. I appreciate the moral support. Like i said to her, i look forward to alot more late night drives to Secret Recipe and sitting in her balcony watching people and gossipping about everything. This time, its gonna be a threesome with Emily.

My new chick housemate! Thanks for putting up with my indecisiveness and initial cashflow problems. And thanks for coming up with cool ideas for me to copy (like the cupboard) hehe.
My new concern is that you seem like a clean-freak and well, i am not into keeping house clean and stuff. So all the best to the both of us. hehe.

er, thanks for the moral support and sitting beside me as i now write my blog. and thanks for saying pple like u have no life. thanks, jackass. so i've included u in my blog. happy, now?

Su Ling
Thanks for helping with the mattress. And the nice lunch on thursday.

Oh man ,y fingers are gg to drop off with all the typing. sheesh.
so to all of the above, thank u.
had an interesting conversation with kuan eng and will post smth on it some other time. its a once in a lifetime confession. u'd probably never hear me say this in person. so keep reading this space.

posted R @ 2:32 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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