Friday, June 03, 2005

hullo duck.

so now the room is almost done. a decent place to sleep would complete it. kao. my room is nice. like really. i like the whole open concept thing. but the room is too ikea for my liking. (speaking of which, i think the ikea here is pretty cool.) ah well. beggers can't be choosers i s'pose. hehe.

as a side note, i've discovered this new place that i would like to go to more often. went there b4 ikea and there's MARCHE and THAI EXPRESS in the same vicinity. christ. like 2 of my favourite eateries. was incredibly happy. joy joy joy.

am pretty tired now. was supposed to write about kuan eng's conversation. well i have to spend alot of time on that. but in a nutshell, its about how he is gg to combine forces with andrew and isk to transform me into a malaysian-boy-lover so much that i'd like to marry one. sheesh. if that happens, i am pretty sure my dad, the malaysian trapped in a singaporean body, would be pleased.

and no, marrying arun or syed would be my worse nightmare.

hi to isk. sitting diagonally behind me.

ps: hullo joshua. i am sorry i haven't been replying to ur msges. just been really busy. will talk properly to u some other time ok.

i feel like working. at olio dome. someday. i think its so cool. mebbe will work next sem. tired. bye. ciao.

posted R @ 4:46 am


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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