Tuesday, March 27, 2007

hullo duck.
suddenly i see. it all became so mudder clear i almost didnt want it to be that clear.
of course, that sentence above could mean anything la. suddenly i saw the clear sky, or the clear water or the clear path to PMS (dear lord, help me in that!).
but yea, those stuff still blur. its the totally irrelevant stuff that became clear.

anyways, here is a really nice song! i like the lyrics so much. and the name of the band.

Sometimes I feel the fear of
Uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much I let the fear take the wheel and steer

It's driven me before
And it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
But lately I'm beginning to find that I
Should be the one behind the wheel

Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes, yeah
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there I'll be there
So if I decide to waiver my
Chance to be one of the hive
Will I choose water over wine
And hold my own and drive, ah-a-ah-a-a
It's driven me before and it seems to be the way
That everyone else gets around
But lately I'm beginning to find that when
I drive myself my light is found

Would you choose water over wine
Hold the wheel and drive

Drive by Incubus

posted R @ 10:00 pm


Thursday, March 01, 2007

hullo duck. (gosh the updating this blog to match the google account is so tedious)

anyways i would like to say that the running helps alot. it was, as always, to lose a ton of weight at first. but, somewhere between realising that i only kid myself in that resolution and the recent spate of revelations, i have begun to run for more than just the usual superfluous reasons ( and, yes, losing weight has moved to that category).

other than that, nothing much blog-worthy has happened. oh i cut my hair! its really short and i went to the indian mama shop, (see previous post about that one) i shall refrain from putting a picture of the new 'do cos that might just complete the bimbo picture. aiya, basically its short. and boyish somewhat. needless to say, i look gooooooood. haha.

anyways, my brain (the one that does the introsepction and higher order thinking) has been on somewhat a snooze mode since uni started 2 years ago. but there are 2 places where there is a flicker of activity:
1) a moving vehicle(i think the official and unofficial housemates can attest to that)
2) the shower (and, no one can attest to that, yet)

so the other day in the shower it dawned on me that i have to just say what's on my mind to maintain sanity. i dont think i was ever like this before, much to the unhappiness of a certain Tiong Teck Wee, and i understand why now. like now, when sem 5 seems to fall into the sem 3 pattern, i need to vent. or gripe. i just need 5 sentnces. and, call me choosy here, but i have to vent it to someone who isnt my parent and who isnt in my batch. (i mean that would be stating the obvious which they prob wont want to hear anyways)

which leaves me with, on a constant basis,
the Sarawakian. (which i really appreciate!)

and now that her gg away is looming in the horizon, i need to either become self-sufficient (which can happen because, well it can) or find someone new to gripe to (which should happen but prob wont unless someone moves into sarawak's room but, nah)

until a call came from scotland! and the stories of the switchfoot concert, and drives to ulu parts of scotland, and other stories completely not related to the current topics of musculo-skeletal system/ sem 5 EOS/ PMS choices.
Thank god for Skype. and dilane of course.

actually, things arent too bad la. its not bleak at least. and there are lots of things to be pleased about. really there is. i just hate changes but that's just part of the way the universe works.

oh! i got a new ORIGINAL JOKE.
Q: what did one bone say to the other bone in a restaurant.
A: bone apetite!

oh, did i mention, ITS ORIGINAL. which means, that it sprung from a corner of my brain. and my PBL fasci said (yea i said it during PBL!) that its something he would prob come up with cos its good (and he wasnt being sarcastic!!!) and this is coming from someone who used to be an adviser on sex issues for the Cleo Magazine. so, obviously, he knows what he's talking about.

posted R @ 11:32 pm


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

hullo duck.

oh i watched blood diamond and its reallly good! i havent watched a good movie in a long time before blood diamond.

and this is a non-exhaustive list of movies that i should watch.
the good shepherd
king of scotland
the holiday

am i glad this is the land of cheap movie tickets and pirated DVDs. (and, like icing on the cake, i bought the tix yesterday and i got FREE darlie toothpaste! how good is that?)

anyways on a seperate note,
is it just me or that emotions dont come unadulterated. as in. one emotion is always admixed with something else. how the mixture is varies and in different proportions.

like, if you're sad, you're sad. and that's easy to deal with. (relatively)

but if you're sad and still a little hopeful and also somewhat relieved and somewhat happy that u were happy alot before you got sad, then where does that leave you?

confused? makes the two of us. :)

posted R @ 8:50 pm


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

hullo duck.
this might be outdated to some of you but Oprah Winfrey just built this huge ass school in South Africa. The pictures came out of Newsweek seemed more of something out of The O.C but is actually meant for increadibly poor girls, who (based on what i thought of the article) just managed to tug at the fat black lady's heartstrings.

(there was this girl who was interviewed by O and at one point gave oprah a hug and said she was her new mother or smth like that and she got in. now, O isnt very discerning is she)

so she received alot of flak for doing things in a gargantuan way in a country which isnt used to her ways. that in the pretext of providing poor girls an education she is actually showing them a way of (somewhat extravagant) life. to which she responds, "its my money so i can practise charity however i please." well she didnt actually say that. but its wat she meant. i know.

at one point i wanted to be Oprah.
like. watch any episode and just look at the way she speaks. her style (of programming) has been copied by almost everyone but i really dont think anyone can do how she speaks. and that's probably why she is the most powerful black lady in Hollywood and only second to C.Rice in the whole country.

But then i realised that she is so. uhm, how should i put it. i think her motive is like this:
this is what i have done and this is what the world should know about me. hence i am going to give the poor person crying in this episode more that she(its mostly a she) could ever imgaine in front of the millions who are watching right now and who want to be me.

help and make sure ppl know about it. its a pretty good strategy. but kinda boring after an episode too many.

and then i realised that she is just like Mother Theresa except that the other lady wasnt half as rich as her. which, is quite clever.

so i still want to be Oprah. not in this world. cos that would be just too cruel. and wrong. as idealistic as it sounds i think charity is the last thing you should shout to the world about cos somehow that defeats the whole purpose of things.

but in some parallel universe where i wont feel bad for being beetchy i think i want to be Oprah Winfrey.

posted R @ 1:57 am


Thursday, January 11, 2007

hullo duck.
so this is the first post of the year.

yea so i went to india which is surprising in itself that it came as a huge surprise to alot of ppl. i got alot of reactions ranging from "oh my god. YOU are gg india." to "oh wow. so you're finally gg!"

and then when i reveal that i have been to india before its still surprising to see the reactions i get. just infer from above.

so india in a nutshell is
still the way it is 6 years ago.
and i got killer shoes.

and then there is bangkok.
which, forgive my lack of (more) thought in the following statement,
is a very livable place. its got nice places to shop, live, and die(yep. i mean the hospitals)
and that's exactly what i want out of an ideal city. having said that, i probably dont really know what i want since i havent seen much of anything else the world has to offer. maybe i'll change my mind if i end up on a vineyard in Provence.

on a similiar note, i cannot imagine staying anywhere else from where i stay in in singapore. i recognise that this prolly comes off as, uh, paris-hiltonish. but i really. i cannot.
and the thought that i might have to move sometime soon is just unsettling. i have tried imagining living somewhere else in singapore and the only place that i didnt find mentally revolting is East Coast cos there;s the beach and nice places to eat. but, since my brain works in a very linkish kind of way, i link east coast to vjc. 'nuff said.
but the possiibility of moving seems to be rearing its ugly head once in a few conversations i have with my father.

for the following reasons:
1. he (surprise!) never really liked River Valley area- the place he's been living with ALL HIS LIFE
2. he is bored of the area
3. he wouldnt need to live in an area near the CBD if he isnt gg to work in the CBD, eventually.
4. "wouldnt living near the beach be fun? you can go running there everyday." (that man uses guilt trips when all things fail)

i know. things are much worse. ppl dont have decent sheds over their heads and the country that i visited recently certainly doesnt have a dearth of those examples. but. i dont care. as far as i am concerned. there are ppl with no roofs. and there are those with gold roofs. i just want a district 9 roof.

ok. seriously.
i just dont want to move out of my comfort zone. its got nothing to do wit district 9. i think i would have the same sentiments if it were district 59.

honestly, the whole comfort zone thing is the crux of it all. really!

posted R @ 10:36 pm


Sunday, December 17, 2006

hullo duck.

i'm in the changi airport transit lounge. (free internet!) lousy keyboard.

as ,most of u know i am gg to india.
not looking forward to it.
especially when the anti-***** sentiments are most pronounced.


posted R @ 8:53 pm


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

hullo duck!

first there was the esplanade.
and then biennale.
in between, the biopolis or watever it is called now.
and now, vivocity.

everytime i mention these names i almost want to correct myself cos i am still unsure of their pronunciations.

it seems as though the ppl controlling the singapore joystick are delibearately coming up with names they friggin' cannot pronounce. which, maybe hasnt occured to them,
but it is dumb.

singapore ought to take a cue from malays. i know this sounds funny but i dont see how calling the esplanade "the Sang Nila Utama" or something along those lines would diminish its popularity.

in KL, there is the One Utama Shopping Centre (which is HUGE) and then there is the Sunway Pyramid (which is BEAUTIFUL) and then there is Bangsar Village. these are all local names and judging by the thousands that throng these places at any given time, i cant see the very huge bearing a name have on its popularity.

i understand that perhaps the esplanade was named such and designed such to create some sort of ripple and extend its novelty more than it could have managed on its own. but how many times can u possibly take the rabbit out of the hat and expect an applause?

u know, this naming trend that this country is adopting is just entertaining in itself.

Singapore intending to raise its chic profile with all these names is akin to a chinese Ah Beng intending to name his son Rocco (after madonna's kid) and instead, calling him Loco. (which means crazy)

posted R @ 8:54 am


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

hullo duck.

i was very hesitant to post this interesting revelation (of sorts). if you happen to see me over the next few weeks, be rest assured that i will keeeeeeeeeel you if u snigger and call me Muthu. (ish, you have immunity.)

so here goes the story of how i will always be destined to lead the Muthu life. (if u have no idea what exactly i am referring to when i say Muthu, well its a long story)

so some time ago, i was telling my dad that i should have cultivated a good relationsip with some pro dude who can cut curly hair like mine. because everyone whom i have been to only is skilled in straight hair (no points for guessing why) and when they cut my curly hair, i basically end up looking like a poodle.

so the father suggested that maybe i should go to an indian person to get my hair cut. cos, logically, indian person=understands curly hair=can cut it better=i look less poodle

the problem was that i dont know of any indian person other than the barbers who bear resemblences to Kollywood (that's southie for Bollywood) mafia actors. and of course, i rather go blonde than to go to them.

some weeks ago, the father and i were in JB for our usual breakfast-pirated DVD shopping routine. and the father suggested to get my hair cut by the indian lady.

i figure, why not. since i havent had anything to gripe about in a while, might as well get my hair cut my a kollywood reject and then blame my father for even suggesting it in the first place. (no, i wasnt thinking that actually. i didnt really THINK, period)

so this shop is pretty decent looking, if i were into posters of tamil actors and fat indian ladies that is. but i am not, you see. so i wasnt too impressed with pretty much anything but of course that didnt prompt the brain into high-gear and make hasty escape.

so i told indian lady, "i want to cut hair. no, trim only. leeeeeetle bit. please dont cut so much. layer alot." and subsequently used my finger (which underlies how little i wanted to get cut) to demonstrate the length.

indian lady then handed my the ONLY english magazine in the shop(smart lady figured i wasnt, like, her type...) and proceeded to cut my hair.

and, when previous haircutters thought i was a poodle, this one thought i was the very wooly sheep that get their wool skinned every Hari Raya Haji. the lady went on and on and on.

so i kept telling her, "ok enough oreadi. stop! stop!"
and she says with equal enthusiasm (to my horror) "just minute. notchet finish. just one more minute"

and this goes on for a while. i notice she cuts hair with relish, like she is reallllly enjoying it. and when she is done, she steps back. with this satisfied, accomplished look on her face. and she then says, "u like. nice know?"

i wish i had a picture to post here but, despite going to a less than stylish lady, i think i look nice. i figure i will be seeing most of u anyways so u can see for urself.

anyways, indian lady was one of the nicest haircutters. she actually apologised to me everytime some of my cut hair fell onto the mag i was reading.

its strange cos i am having an Msn conversation with amelia about hair. (her hair)
i think one day i will do the Hair for Hope thing. where u donate your hair, get shaved bald for cancer sufferers.

i think indian lady would be proud. :)

posted R @ 9:54 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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