Thursday, March 01, 2007

hullo duck. (gosh the updating this blog to match the google account is so tedious)

anyways i would like to say that the running helps alot. it was, as always, to lose a ton of weight at first. but, somewhere between realising that i only kid myself in that resolution and the recent spate of revelations, i have begun to run for more than just the usual superfluous reasons ( and, yes, losing weight has moved to that category).

other than that, nothing much blog-worthy has happened. oh i cut my hair! its really short and i went to the indian mama shop, (see previous post about that one) i shall refrain from putting a picture of the new 'do cos that might just complete the bimbo picture. aiya, basically its short. and boyish somewhat. needless to say, i look gooooooood. haha.

anyways, my brain (the one that does the introsepction and higher order thinking) has been on somewhat a snooze mode since uni started 2 years ago. but there are 2 places where there is a flicker of activity:
1) a moving vehicle(i think the official and unofficial housemates can attest to that)
2) the shower (and, no one can attest to that, yet)

so the other day in the shower it dawned on me that i have to just say what's on my mind to maintain sanity. i dont think i was ever like this before, much to the unhappiness of a certain Tiong Teck Wee, and i understand why now. like now, when sem 5 seems to fall into the sem 3 pattern, i need to vent. or gripe. i just need 5 sentnces. and, call me choosy here, but i have to vent it to someone who isnt my parent and who isnt in my batch. (i mean that would be stating the obvious which they prob wont want to hear anyways)

which leaves me with, on a constant basis,
the Sarawakian. (which i really appreciate!)

and now that her gg away is looming in the horizon, i need to either become self-sufficient (which can happen because, well it can) or find someone new to gripe to (which should happen but prob wont unless someone moves into sarawak's room but, nah)

until a call came from scotland! and the stories of the switchfoot concert, and drives to ulu parts of scotland, and other stories completely not related to the current topics of musculo-skeletal system/ sem 5 EOS/ PMS choices.
Thank god for Skype. and dilane of course.

actually, things arent too bad la. its not bleak at least. and there are lots of things to be pleased about. really there is. i just hate changes but that's just part of the way the universe works.

oh! i got a new ORIGINAL JOKE.
Q: what did one bone say to the other bone in a restaurant.
A: bone apetite!

oh, did i mention, ITS ORIGINAL. which means, that it sprung from a corner of my brain. and my PBL fasci said (yea i said it during PBL!) that its something he would prob come up with cos its good (and he wasnt being sarcastic!!!) and this is coming from someone who used to be an adviser on sex issues for the Cleo Magazine. so, obviously, he knows what he's talking about.

posted R @ 11:32 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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