Tuesday, October 31, 2006

hullo duck.

i was very hesitant to post this interesting revelation (of sorts). if you happen to see me over the next few weeks, be rest assured that i will keeeeeeeeeel you if u snigger and call me Muthu. (ish, you have immunity.)

so here goes the story of how i will always be destined to lead the Muthu life. (if u have no idea what exactly i am referring to when i say Muthu, well its a long story)

so some time ago, i was telling my dad that i should have cultivated a good relationsip with some pro dude who can cut curly hair like mine. because everyone whom i have been to only is skilled in straight hair (no points for guessing why) and when they cut my curly hair, i basically end up looking like a poodle.

so the father suggested that maybe i should go to an indian person to get my hair cut. cos, logically, indian person=understands curly hair=can cut it better=i look less poodle

the problem was that i dont know of any indian person other than the barbers who bear resemblences to Kollywood (that's southie for Bollywood) mafia actors. and of course, i rather go blonde than to go to them.

some weeks ago, the father and i were in JB for our usual breakfast-pirated DVD shopping routine. and the father suggested to get my hair cut by the indian lady.

i figure, why not. since i havent had anything to gripe about in a while, might as well get my hair cut my a kollywood reject and then blame my father for even suggesting it in the first place. (no, i wasnt thinking that actually. i didnt really THINK, period)

so this shop is pretty decent looking, if i were into posters of tamil actors and fat indian ladies that is. but i am not, you see. so i wasnt too impressed with pretty much anything but of course that didnt prompt the brain into high-gear and make hasty escape.

so i told indian lady, "i want to cut hair. no, trim only. leeeeeetle bit. please dont cut so much. layer alot." and subsequently used my finger (which underlies how little i wanted to get cut) to demonstrate the length.

indian lady then handed my the ONLY english magazine in the shop(smart lady figured i wasnt, like, her type...) and proceeded to cut my hair.

and, when previous haircutters thought i was a poodle, this one thought i was the very wooly sheep that get their wool skinned every Hari Raya Haji. the lady went on and on and on.

so i kept telling her, "ok enough oreadi. stop! stop!"
and she says with equal enthusiasm (to my horror) "just minute. notchet finish. just one more minute"

and this goes on for a while. i notice she cuts hair with relish, like she is reallllly enjoying it. and when she is done, she steps back. with this satisfied, accomplished look on her face. and she then says, "u like. nice know?"

i wish i had a picture to post here but, despite going to a less than stylish lady, i think i look nice. i figure i will be seeing most of u anyways so u can see for urself.

anyways, indian lady was one of the nicest haircutters. she actually apologised to me everytime some of my cut hair fell onto the mag i was reading.

its strange cos i am having an Msn conversation with amelia about hair. (her hair)
i think one day i will do the Hair for Hope thing. where u donate your hair, get shaved bald for cancer sufferers.

i think indian lady would be proud. :)

posted R @ 9:54 am


Sunday, October 29, 2006

hullo duck.

forgive my lack of technical know how.
there seems to be a problem on blogger and i cant seem to post my entries anymore.

so this is just a test run.

posted R @ 8:38 pm


Saturday, October 28, 2006

hullo duck.

forgive my lack of blogging techinical know-how. i am not sure why 3 of the same posts get published. someone had this theory that i click on the button way too many times but i maintain that i do it once or at the most twice (or 3 times if i feel extra annoyed at how slow the highway is gg)

anyways. i have hit a new low with myself. with reference to the last post, i made some money from the gambling and i made enough to buy new shoes for myself! which in itself, is just wrong because,

1. i really should stop the shoe frenzy. i maintain that shoes maketh the man (or in my case, the woman). no, actually, shoes maketh rima rai. it maketh her incredibly happy.

2. my parents think i am beginning to have a spending problem and i am running on the very precarious line of getting the mother's ATM card taken away from me. since i am running that risk i ought to prove that i dont actually have a problem and that, contrary to parental belief, i am NOT a big spender. but, i do nothing. wherein the problem lies.

3. resorting to a vice to feed another vice. 'nuff said.

i really should do smth.
its a phase.
i hope.

posted R @ 9:29 am


Monday, October 23, 2006

hullo duck.
oh u know every year for diwali my cousins and uncles gamble. every year i forget the rules of blackjack (u think that's even possible) and every year i am known to be the most risk averse person. i place bets of $0.20 (the lowest possible u can bet.) and get laughed at when i hesitate to take the 5th card (where i might stand a chance to lose double if over 21)

this year.

i increased my stake (wat do u call it really?) to $0.50! i started with $3.60 in coins and at the end of the day i had $10! isnt that a feat?

i am pleased with myself and i cannot waait for the new casino to open. in the interim, there's Genting! and mahjong!


today i left home reallly early to go to the clinic. in my hurry, i forgot to take some money. so i was carrying an empty wallet. my mom didnt charge the phone she left behind for me so the battery was almost dead. the ipod wasnt charged either so the battery was almost empty as well. and i hadn't topped up the EZ link card.

an empty wallet, ipod and handphone. and stomach.

it was a really, uh, empty somewhat sickish feeling. (for want of a better word)

posted R @ 4:26 am


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Helen, played by Gwyneth Paltrow is a long, dark-haired Brit. One day, after losing her job as an advertising executive, she decides to return home in the middle of the day. The scene of the pivotal moment is a train platform. In scenario #1, she just slips through the sliding doors before the train pulls out of the station. On board, she meets the cheerful, talkative James (John Hannah), a Monty Python fan who is taken with her beauty. Minutes later, in her flat, she walks in on her lover, Gerry (John Lynch), in bed with another woman (Jeanne Tripplehorn).

In scenario #2, she misses the train and, shortly thereafter, is the victim of an attempted mugging. She doesn't meet James and fails to make it home in time to discover Gerry's infidelity. Juxtaposed one against the other, while sharing many places, cues, and characters, the two stories proceed in parallel from there. In scenario #1, Helen eventually sets up a successful PR business and in the scenario #2, she remains leading a depressing life as a waitress still unaware of her boyfriend's infidelity.

have u watched this movie? if u havent i think u should. not the best movie ever made but gives alot of food for thought.

hullo duck.

i still maintain that i dont always ponder over the what-ifs and could-haves. waster of precious time, i think.

but on an afternoon such as this, and in the numbskull such as mine, those best-left-unanswered questions are revolving around. i havent really found myself in many forks- in- the- road kind of situations but i guess there have been a couple of pseudo-forks. the situations in which the decision at hand was somewhat easily made but, in retrospect, were the sort of decisions that kinda changed that particular course that u were supposed to take. but at that moment of decision-making, u were blissfully unaware that the consequences had some gravity. or brevity. watever.

i am tempted to mention the pseudo forks but then i might as well tell u the colour of my underwear.

posted R @ 10:32 pm


hullo duck.

so the other day someone asked me wat are 10 things i would like to say to ppl without actually naming them. it was really an intruguing (for the lack of a better word, and a correct spelling) question but like 2 other ppl were talking to me (cos, i'm like, soooooo popularrrrr. hullo) and i couldnt really think so i just said nothing.

but here goes. for the jackass known as xamm.

1. yea i dont like u and i am tired of pretending to can we, like, stop talking altogether. the formalities are making me sick.

2. i know u cheated.

3. i cant look beyond the race issue. i am sorry.

4. i think u're cute. which doesnt mean i am in love with u or anything. so just, be a man. and talk to me? like, say hi can already. i am not asking to marry me, y'know? (and given the rate at which u are going, i wont)

5. i hate meeting u cos u are such a wet blanket it annoys me how u always have a reason to be sad about something. other than that, you're great company. so like, dont be so melodramatic about ur life, can?

6. i hate ur girlfriend.

7. i think u have issues. like, alot of them. (this one is to alot of ppl)

8. a teeny part of me wished i was more like u and less like me.

9. i think u're perfect. no, i am not lesbian.

10. i dont think u deserve it.

11. how do u make everything so easy?

12. do u, like, look down on me? cos it sure feels that way.

13. i still think we could've worked things out.

14. i am sorry.

15. stop trying so hard.

16. one more chance?

17. it may be love. or it may be just revenge. i dont know. i would like to find out. would u?

so, here we are. i guess i just dont have the courage to say these things to ppl. or that i dont really know how to phrase what i want to say in a way that i want ppl to receive them. or that i dont even know where these ppl are anymore.

nontheless. i think i have alwaays been like that. there was this beeeeetch in primary school her name was darrelle eng and she just was on my back all the time. and she was my classmate for 6 years and i had planned to tell her wat a bitch she was like on the last day of primary 6 but i guess i forgot or the words didnt come out. i dunno. but the same thing happened in secondary school. and in JC. and i reckon in IMU.

its funny cos ppl think there isnt usually a lag time between wat i think and wat i say. well, there usually isnt. especially when i dont really care about the repercussions. but there are way alot of things that i dont say because of a variety of reasons best left unstated.

if you're reading this (wait wat am i talking about. of course, you ARE reading this)

can u guess which one, if any, is directed at you?

posted R @ 9:31 am


Sunday, October 08, 2006

hullo duck.


so since i missed the actual date and i ignored ur tag. and since i have no present to get u. i wont know what feathered thing u'd want this time anyways. i would like to dedicate this post to u.

melisaaaa mary yeo was the woman who hated me and i hated her when we were in sec 1. she thought i was miss prim-proper-high-up-there sort and i just found her blardy annoying. it didnt help that she sat behind me in class. and, yes, i still maintain that it was her upside down face i saw in the Falling Chair incident.

anyways so she claims that the reason why i fell in like with debate is cos i had her. she was second speaker and i was third. so i basically had to clear her rubbish up la. and i guess that thru the fake arguing and talking rubbish and cute adjudicators (remember the RV debate at ACJC?) we swept everything under the floor. and we have pretty amazing memories of falling belts and bleats and watnot.

now i am not prim and proper anymore but she is still annoying. haha. in a good way? ok la. she grew up and so she's not that annoying anymore.

so she's in, like, so many places now. its michigan the last time i checked and its melbourne and dunno where else. all that talk of coming to KL and all has gone down the drain huh.

the funniest thing is that she has her thoughts all over the place and she is half whack herself AND she is studying Psychology. like, good luck to her. :)

anyways, so here's to alot of rubbish that went on in school and out of it!

happy birthday mel.


posted R @ 6:58 am


hullo duck.


so since i missed the actual date and i ignored ur tag. and since i have no present to get u. i wont know what feathered thing u'd want this time anyways. i would like to dedicate this post to u.

melisaaaa mary yeo was the woman who hated me and i hated her when we were in sec 1. she thought i was miss prim-proper-high-up-there sort and i just found her blardy annoying. it didnt help that she sat behind me in class. and, yes, i still maintain that it was her upside down face i saw in the Falling Chair incident.

anyways so she claims that the reason why i fell in like with debate is cos i had her. she was second speaker and i was third. so i basically had to clear her rubbish up la. and i guess that thru the fake arguing and talking rubbish and cute adjudicators (remember the RV debate at ACJC?) we swept everything under the floor. and we have pretty amazing memories of falling belts and bleats and watnot.

now i am not prim and proper anymore but she is still annoying. haha. in a good way? ok la. she grew up and so she's not that annoying anymore.

so she's in, like, so many places now. its michigan the last time i checked and its melbourne and dunno where else. all that talk of coming to KL and all has gone down the drain huh.

the funniest thing is that she has her thoughts all over the place and she is half whack herself AND she is studying Psychology. like, good luck to her. :)

anyways, so here's to alot of rubbish that went on in school and out of it!

happy birthday mel.


posted R @ 6:58 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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