Thursday, September 28, 2006

hullo duck.

gosh after like eons i debated for my school's "sports day" kinda thing. its different from the 3-on-3 style that i was used to, this one is the british parlimentary style which i honestly find ridiculous. like, so pretentious to call the First Proposition Speaker (in the style that i am used to) the Prime Minister.

anyways, it kinda reminded me of the reasons why i liked debate and fell out of like of debate altogether. it was always the late nights, the research, the racking of brain, the uppity ppl, the emotions that u should not have put into the first place, that killed it.

and then, there was the blardy funny ppl who say the most ludicrous of things, the post-dinner debates, the checking of prime meat at competitions, the prime meat itself at competitions that started it all in the first place.

anyways, on a completely different note, i feel like i have been slacking wayyyyyyyyy too much. i should be worried but i am more worried about the fact that i am NOT worried to do much about it. damm. that is not good.

so i should be failing the Endo exams cos hopefully that would wake me up.

miami vice is, like, one of the worse movies to watch. such a let-down i still cant believe it. and gong li should stick to wat she does best. no, not acting in chinese movies. but, just speaking the language in that way.

migawd. wat on earth were they thinking?

posted R @ 10:42 pm


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

hullo duck.

the problem with men with no obvious vices is that their virtues can get pretty dang annnoying.

this isnt an original thought but i wont mention the source la since i think it would degrade the integrity of this post.

i have actually alot to say but when i am in some public area waiting for lectures to start i cannot strain my thoughts and this is getting annoying.

but, yes, at one point during the jeremiah phase i was really upright and moralistic and i thought that vice=immoral.

and somewhere along the way, when i prob got swept in, i realised that this is so not true. that its the virtuous ppl who have SOME problem or another.

religion. (not bad in itself but save the evangelism can)
opinions. (we are all entitled i know but dont judge so early can)
habits. (the good ones are nice but ever thought that the line btn good and whack can be thin)

damm stupid class is starting but i think u get my drift. we often mistake the wolves and the sheep and sometimes, wolves arent that bad y'know?

posted R @ 12:50 am


hullo duck.

the problem with men with no obvious vices is that their virtues can get pretty dang annnoying.

this isnt an original thought but i wont mention the source la since i think it would degrade the integrity of this post.

i have actually alot to say but when i am in some public area waiting for lectures to start i cannot strain my thoughts and this is getting annoying.

but, yes, at one point during the jeremiah phase i was really upright and moralistic and i thought that vice=immoral.

and somewhere along the way, when i prob got swept in, i realised that this is so not true. that its the virtuous ppl who have SOME problem or another.

religion. (not bad in itself but save the evangelism can)
opinions. (we are all entitled i know but dont judge so early can)
habits. (the good ones are nice but ever thought that the line btn good and whack can be thin)

damm stupid class is starting but i think u get my drift. we often mistake the wolves and the sheep and sometimes, wolves arent that bad y'know?

posted R @ 12:50 am


hullo duck.

the problem with men with no obvious vices is that their virtues can get pretty dang annnoying.

this isnt an original thought but i wont mention the source la since i think it would degrade the integrity of this post.

i have actually alot to say but when i am in some public area waiting for lectures to start i cannot strain my thoughts and this is getting annoying.

but, yes, at one point during the jeremiah phase i was really upright and moralistic and i thought that vice=immoral.

and somewhere along the way, when i prob got swept in, i realised that this is so not true. that its the virtuous ppl who have SOME problem or another.

religion. (not bad in itself but save the evangelism can)
opinions. (we are all entitled i know but dont judge so early can)
habits. (the good ones are nice but ever thought that the line btn good and whack can be thin)

damm stupid class is starting but i think u get my drift. we often mistake the wolves and the sheep and sometimes, wolves arent that bad y'know?

posted R @ 12:50 am


Monday, September 11, 2006

hullo duck.

there was a little girl from Gabrialtar,
who got raped as she prayed at the altar.
it seemed very odd,
that such a virtuous God,
would answer her prayers
and then assault her.

the world works in funny ways at the hands of its maker.

welcome to the world, people.

and, welcome back to sem4. :)

posted R @ 8:32 pm


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

its mudder 6 am in the morning and i am the only idiot on MSN. even the US ppl are offline. damm.

i slept at 12mn and just suddenly woke up at 2am.
i thought i was hungry, and as i was eating everything that came my way in the kitchen, i amused myself thinking that its strange being woken up by hunger pangs. and then i realised its not so strange cos since it has happened before.

then after eating enough for 2, it was 2.20am and i thought to myself hmm maybe i should read something. so i read Zadie Smith's "on Beauty" and then i couldnt really focus my eyes to the words which then led me to conclude that on goodie time to sleep but i just couldnt for thelife of me.

and then honestly i gave up. so i laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. and its strange how funny thoughts come into my head when i cannot sleep. (amy, if you're reading this, remember the bolt of artistic idea that came into my head somewhere in March?)

my mom wakes up at 6am and when i used to go to school she'd waake me up. but as most of u know i am not a morning person so i'd mutter from my room that yea i am awake and i am changing (but actually i am snug under the blanket) and she'd believe me. only to start shouting later when we're all really late thanks to me. but my mom is so gullible. she's go to heaven.

but she always has ruined many nice sleeps for me.
today i took revenge.
it was ME who woke her up. earlier than 6am.
and the confused look on her face, was priceless.

its strange but i still cant sleep but now i am very happy.

posted R @ 3:52 pm


Monday, September 04, 2006

hullo duck.

so lets face it.

we all have fetishes.

some of us have the army boy man in uniform fetish(ok its more of an attraction thing which i wont deny, fetish is a little too decadent to describe it) and some of us have the innocent school-girl fetish. its really ok, no big deal. i must have heard s0me pretty weird fetish stories but i cant remember any since i usually file such information at the back of my head.

it is commonly believed that fetishes and fantasies reveal something about the person. like, i dunno, if u have a rich old man fetish apparently it stems from the lack of a father figure or watever.

i mean, such conclusions are way too simplistic and somewhat one-sided. rich old man fetish can also stem from natural attraction to power and establishment. or that one is just a heartless gold-digger.

but, then again, these articles hold some water, no? that the fetish that u have about gangrenous toes reveals some very very deep-seeded (or seated?)and latent desire that one would prob never reveal or admit to having or even aware of.

its interesting to hear ppl talk about their fetishes. i mean if done in an un-crude and tasteful way. the crude stuff keep to yourself, i say.

so, being the totally unscandulous person that i am( i mean read my ENTIRE blog and you'd see no trace of any topic too risque)
why the sudden fascination with fetishes, right?

well, today is the day i realised that while it is interesting to hear ppl talk about fetishes, it is even more interesting to figure out their fetishes on ur own.

wah, body language tells u everything.

posted R @ 6:01 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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