Sunday, July 30, 2006

hullo duck.

so today's newspaper ran an article on blogging and blogs and bloggers being too self-indulgent.
i never really thought my blog shouldnt be self-indulgent.
i mean. its my blog. i can write anything i want to. as long as it doesnt land me in (a singapore) jail.

and since its my blog. i can post watever picture of me i want. (of course i choose not to on my own blog. but i might if i was crazy hot like, i dunno who, or if i was just plain stupid like xiaxue.)

point is. i think blogging as an activity or bloggers as a sub-culture is being given way too much importance. they are just a bunch of pple who are riding on the latest fashionable wave.

but every now and then there is always something written about them.
am i under-realising the force of blogging or wat?

no. i just think, that as usual, them reporters just need to fill the sunday newspapers with.

posted R @ 12:41 am


hullo duck.
few of us would have the courage to admit this.
we're all owned.

posted R @ 12:37 am


Friday, July 28, 2006

hullo duck.

today is the day that i have decided.

i dont want to grow old.
i just want to die young.

i mean, youngish.

on my own terms.
without being overly dependant on somebody.
without anybody waiting for me to die, because its easier for them to see me "dead in peace" than "alive in turmoil". watever man.

(boy. am i glad i am in the right profession. i have access to all the morphine and syringes and watnot in the world!)

i think my grandma is dying.
and no, i am not like sad and depressed about it.
just, well i went to see her today and it was a realisation of sorts.
figured since i cant really tell anybody wat i really think about it,
i might as well tell it to u, duck.

posted R @ 1:33 am


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

more bizarro!
haha. he obviously went to CHIJ. he knows the CHIJ speak.

posted R @ 7:15 pm


Sunday, July 23, 2006

hullo duck.

in case you're wondering why i havent been blogging in a while.
first i had exams.
then i didnt feel like it.
i still dont really. but i just came back from phuket and well, figured i'd say something about that place. simply because.

anyhoos phuket was decadent. its wayyy too comercialised and wayy too many ang mohs and they drink wayy too much alcohol.

the place i stayed was really nice. kinda typical resort like but very peaceful. my room was on the first floor but somehow the use of plants to conceal my balcony (which opened up to the pool) to make my room into some kind of a private enclave thing was just really clever.

unfortunately, that was the only clever thing i got to see about that place.
honestly, the pple are just not very bright.

not-very-bright incident #1
first, i was at swensen's wit ish and i was at the counter paying for the ice-cream. without looking at me, the waitress said a whole bunch of things in thai (she sounded like she was singing to me) and then when she finally looked up and realised the blank look on my face, she says "membership card?" and then i say no and then hand her the money and then she goes bacck to singing more things in thai.

not-very-bright incident #2
my parents and i were in a jap restaurant and the waitress brought a bottle of minerel water with a glass of ice. my dad then said, he din want bottled water and pointed to my green tea and said he wanted that. then, she comes back. without the bottle. and with a glass of ice with water.
i think she thought he didnt want the bottled water but the bottled water in the glass. sheesh. so much for my dad's hand signals.

not-very-bright incident #3
i was bargaining (i happened to be quite the pro. i think) over 2 bags. the lady wanted 400B for each bag (at one stage of the hagling) and i wanted to offer her 450B for 2 bags and her eyes lit up for a while cos i think she thought i wanted 450B for each bag. i mean which idiot customer jacks up the price during bargaining. pls la, i am not thai.

i mean i enjoyed the trip. but it really fell short of my expectations. phuket has always been a tourist spot. and most of the tourists are caucasians. and that place is so commercialised. its almost hard to believe that the locals cant understand english.

so i refuse to put it down to ignorance. i put it down to plain stupidity.

posted R @ 1:59 am


Friday, July 14, 2006

You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!
How Weird Are You?

posted R @ 8:26 pm


girls arent good at keeping secrets.

i think i am screwwed.

and i am not looking forward to novenmber.

posted R @ 8:22 pm



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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