Thursday, May 25, 2006

hullo duck!
erm so i'm in a less annoyed mood now.
anyways so i refrain from pasting song lyrics on my blog.
but, this song is different. i am more than aware that its really secondary schoolish but its still reallllllly nice! it has a nice lyrical content and an upbeat thingie about it. what more can anyone ask from a song.

Download it now!

Move Along by All American Rejects

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking

When you fall everyone stands

Another day and you've had your fill of sinking

With the life held in your

Hands are shaking cold

These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong

Move along, move along like I know you do

And even when your hope is gone

Move along, move along just to make it through

Move along

Move along

posted R @ 10:12 pm


Thursday, May 18, 2006

hullo duck.

1. i really really really dont like it when people cannot spell my name right. and, no i am not talking about the full name here. its just Rima. i mean, how mudder difficult is it to spell a 4-letter word.

2. SAM!!! U COPIED ME. if you're reading this, and i know u are, get rid of the hullo gay thing on ur blog. i started the trend with my Hullo duck. get ur own way to start ur entries. haha. hopw you're having fun cooking and when i get to singapore, i will look forward to freee food by chaf sam, yes?

3. i am not sure if always being the first person to do things is a good thing or not. i am still trying to weigh the cons(very little pros to weigh against)

4. well, today is friday and prob the only time i get to blog b4 results day on monday night. i think i will be in A&Ws in PJ come 7pm monday. i wish i could say something about the whole SRC thing. i guess this blog isnt the right place to say things since well, i really dont know who reads this space and hence i cant be sure of the repercussions. maybe after the results i'll say smth.

5. maybe being the first to always venture the hello might just be a good thing :)

posted R @ 6:55 pm


hullo duck.

the other day, amy the dysfunctional and i were studying on the top floor of the library in school. and i happen to scan my eye over the reading area near the entrance and i saw a copy of the international edition of FHM.

now, what on earth is such a magazine doing in THIS medical school which happens to be in THIS country?


posted R @ 6:36 pm


Saturday, May 13, 2006

hullo duck.

i watched Munich last weekend and i have to say that it wasnt up to standard.
i think its high time Steven Spieldberg retired.

i mean his earlier work was just a whole lot better.
it set the standard. raised the bar. defined.
but now, his work is only conforming to standard.
which is synonymous with, balik kampung! if u know what i mean. leave the scene at his own career high. its best that pple remember him for his good work.

i dont know but from the way i see it.
munich is about jews. jews getting victimised.
steven spieldberg is a jew.
so i cant help but put the 2 together and come to the natural conclusion that munich was just meant to be some sort of a message to the world at large. or some sort of a front. and honestly, do we need more movies about the holocaust, jews and their sad history, WW2, the germans and them not being very nice pple.

(i suppose these movie themes are good money makers which is why they keep getting re-hashed.)

but back to the old man.
his ealier movie, The Schindler's List, pretty much had the same purpose. but i think that had some substance in it. it was most things that munich is not. i am lazy to go into details and i hope u reading this have watched the 2 movies in question. then u'd know what i am talking about.

and prob u'd agree with me.

in other interesting news, i baked cookies today! double chocolate chip cookies. but i cheated la. hehe.

oh and i came up with a cool twisted recipe for aglia olio.
i call it ugly olio. its far from ugly, but well thats wat my dad says when he wants to eat it. he thinks it sounds cute.

"eh make that ugly oli pasta of yours today. i know what its called but i think my version is cute."

i think my dad has been acting kinda house-wifely these days. he was talking about some article he read in Women's Weekly about the best way to make fat-free yogurt at home.

sheesh. how very disturbing.
i think its andropause. haha.

posted R @ 9:37 am


Friday, May 12, 2006

hullo duck.

made smoked salmon alia olio today.

i forgot to add the seasoning, my mind was on other things.
and then when i served it i realised that oh it lacks some seasoning
and then i also realised, it wasnt just the pasta that needed seasoning.

alot of other things do also.

posted R @ 9:56 am


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

busy busy busy.
i have never been so busy in IMU before, with non-academic stuff.
but its good busy. so i'm not complaining. yet.

anyways jing sent this this picture of a t-shirt and she said its very debaterish. i tried pasting the pic here but being the swaku person that i am, i dont really know how to put pictures onto my blog (hence the absence of the ball pictures, my birthday pictures, and the crazy ones)

but lemme describe this t. it has a picture of the debater bell. (aiya. i dont know wat to call it. but its used for debates, and its similiar to the ones u find in post offices. and on the SAD counter of IMU)

so pic of the bell. and from the bell, the words, "ping. time to shut up." its really cute! and yes, few pple would get it. but that's why its such a cool t-shirt :)

posted R @ 1:54 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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