Wednesday, May 03, 2006

busy busy busy.
i have never been so busy in IMU before, with non-academic stuff.
but its good busy. so i'm not complaining. yet.

anyways jing sent this this picture of a t-shirt and she said its very debaterish. i tried pasting the pic here but being the swaku person that i am, i dont really know how to put pictures onto my blog (hence the absence of the ball pictures, my birthday pictures, and the crazy ones)

but lemme describe this t. it has a picture of the debater bell. (aiya. i dont know wat to call it. but its used for debates, and its similiar to the ones u find in post offices. and on the SAD counter of IMU)

so pic of the bell. and from the bell, the words, "ping. time to shut up." its really cute! and yes, few pple would get it. but that's why its such a cool t-shirt :)

posted R @ 1:54 am


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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