Saturday, May 28, 2005

hullo duck.

i guess when u can't remember your blogspot password, its generally a bad sign. it means that you're either really forgetful or you haven't been using it much since u hardly update your blog. hehe.

anyways, i feel
and sometimes,

i have nothing much to say. except that, i think i have lost someone. as in, i think i have lost the possibility of a relationship with someone. I once had it, not too long ago. But, in recent times, he seems to have someone else on the radar. well i have someone else on the radar too (off and on. now, i want it to be off) but still. it was comforting to know u were on someone's radar and that he was on yours. i am tempted to ask him why. because some of the reasons for not being together don't perticularly exist anymore. and if he saw things my way, it is workable.. but, i guess i won't say anything to him. he's pretty unpredictable.. (guess it takes one to know one) and it kinda sucks when he's annoyed with me. so let bygones be bygones.

i have never felt so lonely before. i dunno why. mebbe its with being in a new env. that all i really want is a comfort zone. which i don't quite have. well whatever it is, i want this thing to be over soon. i want to go back to the stoic rima. i really hope this is a phase. from henceforth, i am not gg to write anyone off as being desperate and masking it as lonliness. because, evidently, what goes around comes around and bites u in the ass.

i wish i wrote more eloquently.
got A- for summative. but the next summ is 3 weeks' away and have a mountain to catch up on. sheesh.

posted R @ 1:25 am


Sunday, May 15, 2005

hullo duck.

omg. i've never had a more enjoyable and decadent weekend in this school. .

dinner with the basketball guys and amy. then went to secret recipe with amy and then went over to her place. i like driving around with her. and well, i have to listen to sappy love songs. but you know what, its nice. i mean in a i-don't-do-this often so its in a way, refreshing? oh gawd. did i just say listening to sappy love songs is refreshing. must be the glucose from sat.

woke up at 11 and went out to lunch with clairisa and another interesting friend of ours. had super sandwhiches. then a choc frap at starbucks. then choc brownie at olio dome. then chicken herbal soup for dinner. then gelato at lecka-lecka. (good mango gelato. refreshing) then went for vanilla latte at san fransisco coffee company. then went back to play B.ball with the guys at 10 30 at night. played till 1 am. i swear clair was born playing ball. out of 10 hoops she shot, 9 went in!!! gawd. then went over to claire's cos was too hyper to sleep. spoke to her till 3 and then spoke to another friend till 5. slept at 6.

woke up at 1 just in time for lunch with the ball guys. bought groceries and then played ball. then had then best satay for dinner. talked rubbish till 1. decided to have an early night. haha.

now. back in school. am gonna try be a good student. yeah right.

ps: hello emily. quack back to you. i love u. can't wait to move in with a cool chick. its gonna suck that we're both scatter-brained tho. well, all the best to vanessa. hehe.

posted R @ 8:23 pm


Sunday, May 01, 2005

hullo duck.

these few days have been incredibly enjoyable. back in singapore now. this is briefly what i have done so far in sin:

came back at midnight. talked with mom and sis over dunkin donuts amd then pranced about my house. went to bed at 4.

had breakfast with dad and went back to sleep and woke up at noon. went out shopping with mum. bought a nice green skirt from far east and then met amir and sheetal. had my favourite combination of baron's and twirl choc. glad to know things are the same with them. its not any different. but i guess they think i have changed. miss uppitty medical student or smth. ( but really, i don't feel very i-am-so-great-cos-i-am-in-med-sch. mebbe its where i am studying that keeps me grounded. hehe) hung out then went home to spend time with dad. went to, of all places, mustaffa centre. to buy toothbrush. hehe.

lazed around at home. went to thread brows. halfway thru the first brow, there was a blackout. fortunately elec was restored otherwise would've been tres weird walking around with half a well-done face. haha.
went out to orchard again and hung out on my own. bought beard papa and spent some time in heaven. hehe. have been eating alot.
came home and slept the afternoon away. spent time with dad. ate lots of old chang kee.
met joshua for dinner. menotti is a really lnice place and despit e him irritating me and poking me i really enjoyed myself. i think it helped that i liked the shirt he was wearing. (it was a really nice shade of purple. not maroon.) but i kept thinking i was keeping him from something. like he looked really tired but was too nice to say he just wanted to go home and sleep. he dropped sublte hints tho. came home and spoke to pple online then slept at a more earthly time of 2 am i think.

went to cha cha's for lunch. natasha is so in love with me. ok everyone was. it was difficult to participate in all the different conversations i was invited to. (!?) went to goodwood park hotel to get that durian cake. another piece of heaven. came home and went to book my train tix. came home and then spent time with parents and then went to watch movie with ish, josh and his friend. coach carter was really good. very inspirational. but there's something about all these motivational movies. i mean, yea, they're effective in giving you this boost of energy to conquer all your little obstacles. but i think that with such movies, you watch one you watch them all. i appreciated the movie but i din think it was out of this world. like, yea, typical inspirational movie. sorry. speaking of which, i think "the shawshank redemption" is my fav motivational movie. went to coffe club with ish and talked about stuff in her life. came back and talked to josh on the phone and then listened to some music and did some thinking about what josh said and then slept at 5 or 6.

woke up for durian roll and hot choc. then had noodles for lunch. lazed around. soon gg to meet renu for tea and a spot of shopping which mum wouldn't find out about till after i leave. she's right. i am a high maintenance daughter. loh well. the perils of having a perfect kid. i mean what would she rather? a low maintenace kid who's useless? no right.

so there. i love life as of now. ok there are still things that trouble me. but then again, i have never been completly devoid of worries. so that's normal.

do i make it sound that the whole world is interested in me and thinks i am pretty?
cos if i do. i am sorry. really that's not how i think. or how the world is. i wish it was. haha! but really. i don't think that of myself. pple say i should but i can't.

oh well. it was just something someone said. maybe the person was just being jokingly-sarcastic. (?)

see u some other time. gg to get ready.

posted R @ 10:23 pm



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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