Tuesday, April 12, 2005

hullo duck.

can't breathe.
got prescribed sleeping pills.
xanax knocked me out.
i don't mind gg on it for a while.
doc said i should talk to my friends more.
obviously, not a very good doc.
dunno how i am gg to pull sumative off.
can't wait to go home. soon!!!!

andrew's incredibly sweet.
asked him for a lift to the doc and he said sure.
i told him to drop me and drive off.
then he was parking car and when i proteseted, he gave me this look and said,
"you seriously don't expect me to drive off without you right? i can't do it. and i won't."
so sweet. also offered to pay doc bill cos he thought i had insufficient funds. awww.

thanks andrew. :)

posted R @ 8:03 pm


Monday, April 04, 2005

hullo duck!

i finally got links! thanks much to justine. you're brilliant!
and i have finally linked u joshua, erm, am i the "princess" on your blog? you know jing called the other day and she was like, "rima.....where on earth did u get princess from?" i really didn;t know what to say. hehe.

anyways, i realised that i had actually set up another blog and that i had forgotten the username for that so i set up another one. sheesh. this is linked to the other one by the way.

oh, and correction again. emily does NOT like andrew. sigh. i am tired of this. so lets the skirt the issue all together.

so back to what i wanted to ask u.

"you know, rima, you're really hard to read."
sounds familiar. you tell me that all the time. and i am beginning to think that u wished i was easier to read. do u? i mean, is it a bad thing or a good thing? i like to believe that i am generally constant on most important things but now i am beginning to be told otherwise. not that i would like to be as "constant as the northern star" but i wouldn't want to be neurotic and unpredictable too. and, i have been told by dash numerous times that i am the MOST neurotic person she knew, i was likened to of all pple, ally mcbeal. sheesh. oh, u know when i was told this, we were at the Toa Payoh MRT station and i think i insisted very loudly "i am NOT neurotic" and i remember there was this bunch of school guys near us and they started giving me this strange look. i guess, the way i screamed neurotic sounded more like erotic, haha, can u imagine. me shouting "i am not erotic". no wonder they gave me that look. i think it was the "yea, u aren't" look. haha. hilarious

but, seriously babe, i would like to know. am i that hard to figure?

posted R @ 7:18 pm


hullo duck.

okkkayyy, i think i need to make a correction on my previous entry. the andrew in question is NOT imu dude. he's from singpaore! and the amelia in question is not the girl who likes imu dude. so, emily, happy now? :)

anyways, to josh: my phone's run out of credit( did alot of singapore calling and msging to certain pple) so i can't reply to your msges. firstly, you're not unfit! ok, mebbe you're not THAT unfit. i mean, remember how i have this theory that you always have some part of your body that's aching (which prompted me to give u that old man figurine) but beyond that, i don't see u as being generally unhealthy. its just the army and its crazy demands. seriously. so don't be too affected by that stupid SOC thing. as we both know, its just a waste of time. and even if you're still not convinced, don't worry ok. i still think you're cute! haha. and i am sure alot of girls like the physically-unfit but mentally-very-robust type of guys very appealing?

so now that we're done with that, lemme ask u something.

oh wait, this requires a brand new entry. (i am on the roll here!)

posted R @ 6:57 pm


Sunday, April 03, 2005

hullo duck.

ok haven't said anything in a long time. no easy net access. what to do. but then again, joshua is the only person who actually knows about this new blog. (thanks for the comments, babe!!) i WILL tell more worthy pple about my blog.

school's getting slightly more fun and that's cos i've been making more friends. and some of my friends are REALLY hot! there's joanna, who's chindian and apart from being hot, she's incredibly nice. (what more can u ask for) and then there's emily who looks uber-innocent but actually isn't. she's the chindian who isn't. as in, she looks it but she's pure chinese.. and then there's amy who's, well, hard to figure. and the guys are pretty ok too... but will talk about them some other time..

oh so glad to know that amelia is FINALLY over andrew! and she's got Lidong now. (ps: he's cute! way to go!) you know the scary part of being with someone is that u fall so deep in and u don't realise it till its over and u have to embark on the painful road to recovery all by yourself. and the scary thing is when u realise that u are taking such a LONG time getting over someone who was seemingly getting-overable or that the relationship seemed pretty trivial.. and then, it dawns on you that you're so pathetic. that you aren't half the stoic that you thought you were. that, despite convincing yourself over and over again that you're made of tough stuff, you're actually a real marshmallow inside.. and then, you don't really know what to feel..

i am not sure who i am reaferring to. its just smth that got me thinking about stuff.
matters of the heart.
sometimes can be over-reated.
the heart.
is, after all,
an aortic pump.

posted R @ 8:15 pm



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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