Thursday, August 24, 2006

hullo duck.

so as i have made it known before, i really DONT like clubbing.
i abhor the loud music, smoky atmosphere, watered down drinks, general crowd and watnot.

but the other night at MOS was not too bad. i went with the bunch of ppl i got to know thru the SGH A&E dept. there werent many since most went home after the BBQ but there were

cecilia, the (really hot) norwegian girl
antonio, the (even hotter) portugese guy (who's really funny!)-we have the same taste in cheesy music!
and there was yuen. the (total jackass) BBC who ditched us for some ugly ang moh guy(i swear yuen is gay)

but yes. the ang-mohs commented that singaporeans can be pretty weird. i think it was cos we were all pretty freaked out by this girl who was in the main arena. i mean, i think we have seen weird ppl but none quite like her. she had a really nice body but her entire face was covered with this shiny black mask( smth like a swimming cap ) and she was dancing like a pro. like, she's blind and this bunch of guys do all sorts of things to her from all directions (and i mean all directions) and she just lets them and gosh it was just weirrrrrrrd.


but, even tho i enjoyed myself more than i normally would at some smoky noisy club, i dont think i'll go in a while.

anyways yesterday was rag week and i had to dress up as a nurse to ask for donations. the whole nurse get-up was clarissa's idea since i used to complain that all the old ppl in the waard used to call me Misi. which is malay for nurse. so yesterday i was the malay misi who went around singing for ppl for like, lose change.

(my invented song went like this, "spare some change for medical research. it would make my day and would certainly make yours!") it didnt rhyme at all but i guess it worked!

i realised one thing tho, that the ppl who normally donated the most fell into the follwing categories:

1. malays
2. poor ppl
3. old aunties
4. smokers

hence i have new-found respect for them. its amazing how nice these ppl are.

and the ppl who literally ran away from us like we were the plague fell into the follwing categories

1. rich ppl (u can tell la since the minute they take out their branded wallets with wads of notes, from their branded bags and dig thru their 5 cent coins with perfectly maicured nails)
2. ang mohs
3.a certain racial group that coined the above word in the first place
4. young poly students ( i swear its the complex)

anyways, this measly shrimp that i approached started scolding me and was saying mean things to me and so i said good luck to u when u die of lung cancer i will be by your side laughing my head off. and then i ran away.

i felt good. haha.

no la i felt shitty and i dint want him to die. i just wanted him to donate. or just refuse. ignore me also can. but scold? wtf?

posted R @ 9:59 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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