Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hullo duck.
to begin with i really DO NOT believe that i have one and a half weeks left of my vacation. i mean, yes, no holiday is really long enough, but i guess its just the whole routine thing that i have to return to.

u know how, when u are in the throes of despair studying for some exam, u make grand plans for ur holidays? well for me, and as most of u have heard me say over and over again, it was to lose ALOT of weight. but, well, that didnt happen and it isnt gg to in a while.

but, never the pessimist and the eternal optimist that i am. i have decided to do this-
1. meet rich man
2. marry and hope he dies
3. get personal trainer
4. get desired body shape while maintaining already impeccable face

ok, quite honestly, marrying the rich kind isnt gg to be my thing. aiya all these rich ppl have a problem. and anyways i dont think my fisherman father can afford dowry.

and as most of u know, my friends in singapore have dwindled down to a single number. but this time i think i really did get to know a whole bunch of ppl who's company i trullly enjoy.

but still, i am looking forward to seeing u guys again. and yes, cherie, i will come back and rid u of boring vanessa's curse. and the sarawakian, i will rid of u empty house curse. yes, yes, the highlight of ur life will be back on the 10th of sept.

have i ever mentioned? i think the ideal country for me, is the physical structure of singapore and the ppl of malaysia. cos the problem i have here is the ppl(they should all just die) and the prob i have there is the general place.

i do realise this post, is weird. its the lack of sleep.

posted R @ 8:12 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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