Saturday, June 03, 2006

it used to be Calvin and Hobbes. and then i found this guy. Bizarro is my fave comic. the funniest stuff in one slide. brilliant.

you have to take the backseat now.

posted R @ 6:06 am


Friday, June 02, 2006

hullo duck.

"a rolling stone gathers no moss"

i googled it.

This proverb now has two meanings: people pay a price for being always on the move, in that they have no roots in a specific place (the original meaning); or people who keep moving avoid picking up responsibilities and cares.

so there. now read the next post.

posted R @ 8:22 pm


hullo duck.

just got back to singapore (oh man the bus took eons.)
anyways so there was this ang moh old man on the bus and he needed help talking to the malay bus driver. so i helped. ( can u beat that? me and speak malay? or as the ang moh put it- mayylayy)

anyways so this has to do with the concept of a "rolling stone gathers no moss" *see below*

so this guy is a 41 year old nurse from oregon, portland. he works 6 months and takes the other 6 off to "see the world" as he put it.

so he showed me really nice pictures of Mt Stong in Kelantan and then he started talking about how travelling makes your life so much richer and that staying put and establishing yourself in one place is just not going to do the same trick.

and that got me thinking. you know,
a rolling stone that gathers no moss
isnt necessarily a good thing. i mean, just cos he knows 25 varieties of orchids and their latin names doesnt make his life any richer than the next 41 year old who works 9to5 and knows the names of 25 different soccer players just so that he could have something to talk about with his 17 year old son.

i mean that's how this guy wants to lead his life and there's nothing wrong with his life. i just couldnt help but compare this guy to my dad who is just 5 years older and who leads the very life that ang moh man detests. from the look of it, my dad is a boring old man but really, he is far from it.

so i see 2 types of stones here.
one that has got no moss. (41 year old ang moh)
one that has alot of moss. and alot of hair. (46 year old indian man)

and i think someday, i would like to be the stone that has lots of moss on it. maybe knowing 25 different types of orchids would be nice, but i cant imagine giving up my life for it.

posted R @ 7:50 pm


You Should Drive a Jaguar XK 4.2
You don't care how you get there as long as you get there with class. And having a little power doesn't hurt either!
What 2007 Car Should You Drive?
a jag. hmmmm.

i dont mind this one either. this one looks absolutely fiiiiiiiiiiine. and even if i have to be marge simpson for it, i would do it.

posted R @ 9:12 am


You Are Marge Simpson
You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally. Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life!
You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police
Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head."
The Simpsons Personality Test

eeeeeeeeeee. being marge simpson is like. being emily + mala maung in one. eeee.

posted R @ 9:09 am



a Mai Tai

You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive.And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away.
What Mixed Drink Are You?

i dont mind!!!

posted R @ 9:03 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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