Sunday, April 30, 2006

hullo duck.

ok firstly, i didnt know the comments link on my blog wasnt working. i just thought pple stopped reading my blog. or they were too busy.

mel did mention it on msn once but i guess it din really register.

nontheless, thanks jing for rectifying the flaw i didn't know about. and thanks the rest for ur comments. and the belated birthday wishes. did u know i was at harbourfront too!!! i was mostly at starbucks, and i swear, that night was the first night my dad was in starbucks. ok. maybe i am exaggerating. but he did behave that way.

speaking of starbucks, and in reference to my blog title, i am seriously contemplating the idea of working in starbucks after sem 5. but it seems u need a minimum of 6 months. so it might just happen depending on where i get posted to. (because, as it appears, its not so much of where u wnat to go but wehre u get.)

but back to starbucks. 2-3months of classes and 2-3months of on-the-job training and, voila! you're a barista. and a starbucks barista, that is.

i can so imgaine myself saying, "tall, grande or venti?"

and, "do u want whipped cream with that?"

posted R @ 10:20 am


Sunday, April 23, 2006

hullo duck.

you know i have always mantained this but i have never let it be known.

that the only person who truly makes me feel better.
who simplifies my problems and not trivialises them.
who probably has an obscene amount of blind faith in me.
and who turns out to be right most of the time. (most being the operative word)

is ish.
whom i hardly ever get to talk to.
but the conversations we have, even the 'wats up ma nigga' ones on MSN, really do make me see light. so, yes. thank u.

on a less emo note.
sanju explained the last talking t-shirt.
apparently, its
" 1/4 fish. 3/4 duck."
i cant i din see it before.

1/4 fish = F
3/4 duck = UCK

so yea. put it all together and wat do u get.

thanks sanju. it helps knowing your mind can work in twisted ways still. thought the army would rob u of smth?


posted R @ 4:27 am


Saturday, April 22, 2006

hullo duck.

talking signs.
i think i have developed a new fascination with them.

the other day in mid valley in KL, we walked past an FOS store where they had really cool talking t-shirts.

i told emily to buy this one : "naughty boy. go to my room."
(i mean, for all of us who know em, this message would suit her)

i told amy to buy this one: "practise safe medicine. play doctor" or
"i like boys. and they like me"

and amy told me to get this one and walk around with emily in school:
"i was voted best kisser by your boyfriend"

well anyways. being the really risque pple that we are, we walked out of the shop empty-handed.

but today, i was out for lunch with mom and i saw the Sins Chocolate van that said
"Dip me in chocolate, and call me dessert"

And then there is this shop in the heeren which sells talking t-shirts that makes all the other talking t-shirts, well, rather mute. (no pun intended. honestly)

"i want your oralpinion"

"take a good look at this t-shirt. you will be taking it off later"

"cock. cock. who's there?"

"this t-shirt looks better on your bed room floor"

"this t-shirt has got strong sexual content"

" 1/4 duck 3/4 fish" i dont really get this one.

and then when i was walking back home, i saw ANOTHER gas haus sitcker. i have been seeing them around since feb and i really want to know what this gas haus thing is all about. strangely the singaporeans i have asked either dont go to town often or havent seen them. (i never said i have normal friends ok)

"dont care what other people think. they dont do it that often." -traffic light outside liat towers

"we hereby declare ordinary as the new enemy." -letter box near skate park

"tasty fast food because its cooked like tasty slow food" -at my lift lobby

(i suppose this gas haus thing is prob a fast food restaurant, but somehow it feels more of a clubby name dont u think?)

anyways, i suppose under the influence of the onslaught of talking signs, i bought something with some weird sentence for myself. i suppose u'll see them once u see me.

posted R @ 12:52 am


Friday, April 21, 2006

hullo duck.
ah back to the streets of orchard road again. back. only for a weekend, but i think a weekend is all i need to get over things and move on. so i am gg to stretch tmr(saturday) till its thin.
i fucked hemato.

posted R @ 8:49 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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