Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hullo duck.

yes. so now that the respi exam is over and done with and my blog is in fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine condition, i have to thank all of u for the birthday wishes.

thanks, jing. for the nice blogskin. for the very needed (and well-timed) phone call. for the wishes. (i'm so sorry this thing took so much of your time. will make it up to you somehow! of course coming down to glasgow is prob it but the dad isnt richard branson la)

thanks, mel yeo. for the birthday wishes. u remembered! -hugs- good enough for me. hope things down under are good. and eat one of those cakes that u always rave about. in my name!

thanks, ah lian. i dont really know who u are. are u alia?

thanks, to the nice pple for the surprise on my birthday! i almost died of a heart attack with the surprise. but yes. when u are studying for an exam, things like that are very much appreciated.

and thanks to the rest of the random pple who are on my head right now telling me to go offline so that they can donate blood. to atone for all their sins. -snigger-


posted R @ 11:45 pm


hullo duck.

oh yea. this blogskin is finally ready. and, it was done by a PROFESSIONAL blogskin creator. xiaxue is not the only one. hehe.

thank you, jing. i like my birthday presentso very much. incredibly original and very "me" :)

yea, i really like this one!! and when u come back to singapore and when i am in town, you have to teach me this blog skin thing. u make it sound easy!

love u! see u soon. -hugs-

posted R @ 11:40 pm


Saturday, March 25, 2006

hullo duck.

hey thanks jing the blogskin is just, fiiiiine. its really really nice and its so nice! i love u!
esp the butterflies.
( u still remember!!) but, as u can see. there is a tiny problem. so how? wat to do now?

posted R @ 7:30 am


Saturday, March 11, 2006

hullo duck.

that guy from american idol who got voted out is hot. will. but at least i still have chris.

oh well. so here i am. typing on alvin's faulty lap top and van sitting beside me. i suppose i have alot to say. but at this point, the spinal cord isnt in top form.

the new sem 1s are cute. not in the good looking kind of way but in the small kid kindof way. it justdawned on me.

say u have a reallly nice pair of shoes. its really comfortable and u look great in it. u have bought all ur clothes to match that shoe.

and then that shoe breaks.

so now.
u have a ton of clothes that just dont look good anymore.
no shoe looks fit on ur feet.
but still, u buy a couple of shoes to replace that one.
but nothing quite fits wat u want.
u resign urself to not ever finding that nice shoe anywhere else.
cos the factory producing it closed down and moved to china.
and, you are indian. and indians arent allowed in china.
u almost want to resign urself to never finding that one shoe. and going to china is out of the question.

now.u think to urself that
the shoe is broken and itfeels that the feet are almost broken too.

posted R @ 10:16 am



as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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