Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hullo duck.
so this is in response to kuan eng's post, on me opening up.

well before i say anything, lemme give u a brief description of my friend, kuan eng.

he has an interesting accent that is pretty hard to place and he drives a nice nice nice car, but not to school. (btw, u still owe me a ride)
he disses me alot on the whole singaporean thing, which is ok on the most part but really annoying if my day is bad to begin with.

he tends to be rather metrosexual and sometimes, only sometimes, he tends to harbour on the "pink side".
he blogs alot. like more than anyone i know. and, as i had pointed out, he tends to sound like a woman. which is not a bad thing really. its pretty entertaining.

anyways he told me once that he blogged about pretty much antyhing that came to his mind. and i said that unless u have control over exactly who reads ur blog, or if u can deal with the repercussions of just anyone reading pretty much anything u have to say, then its ok.

but i'd rather be reticient about what i say. hence, i end up blogging about what i ate or bought or shopped or went to. very superficial i'd dare admit. i had a previous blog and i was somewhat open about things. well there was this one random person i had met and i wrote on my blog that i found him a little too..erm, entrenched in his race and religion. over some time, we became pretty ok friends. and then one day we were talking about blogs on msn and i mentioned that i had a blog, go check it out. i had completely forgotten about that post. he read it and, as expected, figured it was him that i was talking about. he wasn't too happy about it and i don't blame him.

so because its so hard to control who reads my blog (i choose not to have a password) i'd rather write about bimbo stuff y'know?

but. but. but.

having said all of the above, i shall try to be more open. perhaps write some of my deeper thoughts. all in an attempt to breathe some depth into this duck.

posted R @ 10:33 pm


as i please. so dont take it personally, pple




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